Hello everyone, it’s Kurono Mari again! And guess what – today’s report would be from the photo studio where photos for KERA Style page are made every month! The first time I came here i was really anxious of what will happen but it’s my second photo shoot as KERA model so my heart was beating in exciting feelings all my way from home to studio. This time I got permission to take some photos backstage so I will try to share my feelings of excitement with you too!
It’s already been a year and a half since I came to Japan. Until that I was living in a country called Ukraine always admiring Japan and of course Japanese fashion. Ukraine is far away from Japan and Ukrainian culture is so different that no matter how much I looked around local shops I could never find anything similar to the clothes of Japanese teenagers that inspired me so much. And despite of that I spend hours scrolling web sites, learning Japanese and trying to get myself some new KERA issues ordering them from internet shops. Back then I didn’t have any friends who liked the same fashion as myself and my parents were always giving we a judgment look every time I put of myself something similar to Japanese style clothes. But I still believed that one day I could go to Japan and give a stroll down Harajuku street in my best look – that was my biggest dream back then. So realizing that a normal girl like me could not only come to Japan but even become a member of KERA that was always inspiring me so much is still unbelievable and feels like a dream. And so today’s photo shooting started keeping this thankful thoughts and feeling inside my mind.
Of course the most important thing for every model is having her hair and make up done. And this very important role goes to Namiki-san who is always doing make-up for KERA models as well as models for menu other fashion magazines and events. He is a real professional in this field so I fully entrusted my face and hair to him. Not only does he know the best hair arrange for every model to stand in front of the camera but also gave me some kind advices about hair arranges I can try by myself! I guess I won’t be able to do that as perfect as Namiki san though….
一着目の服は大好きなDrug Honeyのワンピースでした!その次はRoyalPrincessAliceの和風コーデで、これはいつも着ているものと違って新鮮に感じました。写真を見てどんな衣装着ているの分かっている方もきっといると思いますが、実際の撮影の写真がアップされるまではモザイクにしておきます、楽しみにしていてくださいね。KERASTYLEの撮影の時は、モデルさんは4−5人ぐらいがいるので、スタイリストさんがその一人一人のために一番似合いそうなコーデを事前に選んでくれています。そして撮影中に一番可愛く見せるように優しく相談にものってくれました。スタジオの中は、楽しい雰囲気なので先輩モデルさんたちの中に入った初心者の私も安心していられました。
The first outfit for today was a cute dress from my favorite brand Drug Honey! The next one was a beautiful Japanese traditional style inspired outfit from Royal Princess Alice which is totally different from what I usually wear so it was an interesting experience and I loved the outfit so much. I think many of you already guessed which dresses I’m wearing now but I covered them with mosaic not to reveal the full outfit look until official pictures would be uploaded to KERA STYLE so wait for it. There are usually around 4 to 5 models coming to KERA STYLE and stylist are trying there best to create outfits that would suit one’s personal style the best. There’s light fun atmosphere overall in the studio so even such a beginner models as myself can feel confident during shootings.
そしてその三着目はなんと先月オープンされていたEINS HIMMEL+の新作アイテムでした!自分のいつも着ている服とちょっと違う感じなんですけど黒いパーカーとピンクパープルのロゴの色合わせはとてもお気に入りです♡ 全身はどんなコーデになったのでしょうか?アップの方を楽しみにしてください!
And last outfit I got to wear for today’s shooting was a new item from a newly opened brand EINS HIMMEL+! This style is a little bit different from what i usually wear but the color combination of black parka and purple-pink letters is definitely my favorite one to wear!♡ Please look forward to the pictures full coordinate because you won’t be disappointed with this one!
Panniers and other accessories are all over the studio which are important items to create the perfect coordinate. Usually all outfits are decided before head but you can also give your own idea and change accessories and some arrange!
When I was shooting Yui-san (Minakata Yui) arrived to the studio. Beautiful Yui-san who looks like a real princess is actually a real KERA model senior being on model stage for more than 8 years! I asked the reason of how she first got interest in fashion and I found out it was her older brother who started dressing like that with his friends and Yui-san thought it was really stylish and cute wanting to try by herself too. Her mother supported her interest in fashion and they started to go to Harajuku together. Before she realized she was already in the Harajuku fashion model scene modeling for different magazines and brands. I’m sure there are a lot of people who admire Yui-san and want to be like her but don’t have enough courage to dress in clothes a lot of people find strange or unusual so I tried to ask for an advice for this matter.”There are a lot of different fashion event and parties so you might try going there at first. Dressing for an event is easier, because everyone around you are wearing similar clothes and you can also meet some new friends with same interest as you and go out together later. Anyway I think wearing clothes you like is the most important thing” Yui-san answered.
次にお会いできたのは桜子さん(星名桜子)です!彼女は自分と同じようにDRUG HONEYのモデルでもあるし大先輩でもあります。モデル活動は5年間やっていてファッションに興味を持ったきっかけはなんとアニメ・漫画「デスノート」のあまねミサに憧れていて好きなキャラクタの着てるファッションを真似することだったそうです。桜子さんにも可愛いファッションが大好きで自分でも着てみたいけど自信が無い子達へのアドバイスを聞いてみました。「例えばジロジロだと見られているとしてもかわいいから見られているんだと思うようにした方がいい。私が可愛いから見ているだって思うこと」と言うアドバイスでした!
The next person I was lucky to meet this time was Sakurako-san (Hoshino Sakurako)! She is also modeling for Drug Honey and other famous brands and has been on fashion stage for more than 5 years already! The first time Sakurako-san decided to try wearing Harajuku-style clothes were under the influence of manga and anime Death Note. Being charmed by Misa-Misa extraordinary and cute fashion sense she decided to try wearing similar clothes inspired by her favorite character. I also asked Sakurako-san for an advice to everyone who has no courage to wear clothes they want to. “If you’re going out and you noticed everyone staring at you it’s better to think that it is because you’re the cutest. I am cute and people around are looking at me – that’s what I always think and it helps!” Sakurako-san cheerfully shared her thoughts.
ゆいさん、桜子さん、撮影中にインタビューに付き合っていただいてありがとうございます!Yui-san, Sakurako-san, thank you for answering interview questions!
Thank you so much for reading up to this point! I will try my best to deliver more exciting reports from different events and places! See you soon! ♡

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