Chile ~ day 1 – Kawaii Stores チリ~Day 1-かわいいストア(from Chile、南米はチリからお送りします!)
2018年11月12日更新Chile ~ day 1 – Kawaii Stores
チリ~Day 1 - かわいいストア
After months of dreaming about the lolita event in Chile, the time has finally come! As the event was held on a Saturday (October 21), we arrived one day before to get to know the place and get ready. The flight arrived at dawn, so we had time to enjoy at least the afternoon in Santiago. My friend Jéssica gave me some tips on where to go in Chile, so this fun day is all thanks to her! Thank you Jéssica! Your tips have helped me so much!
何か月も夢に見たチリで行われるロリータイベント、ついにその日が来ました! イベントは土曜日(10月21日)に行われるので、私たちはその一日前に現地入りして、場所を確認したり、準備をしたり。飛行機の到着は夜明け頃だったので、その午後、サンチャゴの街に出て、楽しむことができました。友だちのジェシカが事前にチリではどこに行けばいいとか、そんなことのヒントはくれていたので、その日が楽しかったのは、全部彼女のおかげ! ありがとう、ジェシカ! あなたからもらった情報、すごく役に立ったわ!
The first store we visited was the Mary Kawaii Store!
Mary Kawaii Store
Esmeralda 777, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile
(Ring the intercom in a Red Door)
When you reach the address of Mary Kawaii, you come across a red door facing the street, and you can not imagine the magical universe you will find after passing through it. The store is very kawaii, with many goods, from stickers, earrings, bracelets, clothes, accessories to stationery, everything very magical and wonderful!
The second store we visited was the Gift Shop Kawaii. It is not far from there, you can even go walking. For those who are not very keen to walk, Uber in Santiago works wonderfully well and accepts paypal.
Gift Shop Kawaii
Calle Patronato 360, Recoleta, Región Metropolitana, Chile
The Gift Shop Kawaii has a variety of amazing things. Clothing, accessories, handbags, plushies, slippers, stickers, stationery and many options of gifts and everyday kawaii items such as ice cream suitcase tags, macaron shaped pill cases, and kawaii mirrors.
The third store we visited was Mi Fantasy, which is located in the same street from the Gift Shop Kawaii.
Mi Fantasy
249, Calle Patronato, Recoleta, Región Metropolitana, Chile
Everything you can imagine of kawaii things in stationery and gifts, Mi Fantasy has! Stickers, pens, cases, backpacks, mugs, bottles, notebooks, lamps … A lot of things! The store occupies two floors with many choices of kawaii items for customers! It is a paradise for those who love stationery!
文房具や贈り物、何かカワイイものがほしいって想像するわよね。そのすべてがミ・ファンタジーには揃っているわ! ステッカーやペン、ケースやバックパック、マグやボトル、ノートやランプ…本当にたくさん! お店は2階まであって、たくさんのかわいいアイテムが選べるの。文房具好きの人たちには天国と言っていい場所よ!
And finally, the Paraíso Kawaii Shop! This store is a bit far from the others, so we had to get a Uber to go there, but it’s worth a visit!
そして最後は、パライソ・カワイイ・ショップ! この店は他の店からは少し遠いから、Uberで車を頼まないとダメね。でも、絶対に行く価値はあるから!
Paraíso Kawaii
Av. Providencia 2216, – Local 18A, Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile
This store does not even need introductions, it’s literally a kawaii paradise! The store itself is very beautiful, with an incredible decoration, in addition the products are very kawaii and with a big diversity, having everything from clothes to accessories and stationery!
この店にはもう紹介文なんて必要ないですよね。文字通りのカワイイ天国! お店そのものがとてもきれい。飾りつけのデコレーションもすごく素敵。それに加え、扱っているグッズもとてもカワイイし、いろいろな種類が揃っている。洋服もアクセも文房具も全部そろっているんです。
These were some of the kawaii items stores I visited! What I can say over the days I stayed in Chile is that for those who like Japanese pop culture and kawaii fashion, there are many options!
In the next post I will show you the Monster Fantasy lolita event!

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