Animex 2018: The Lolita Experience アニメックス2018:ロリータ・エクスペリエンス(from Mexico、メキシコからお届けします!)Part 1
2018年8月3日更新Animex 2018: The Lolita Experience
Part 1 パート1
By Chai Latte (@chailattelolita IG)
Photos by 写真クレジット: Charlie Macías
Lolitas MTY (Moemi Azrael)
As a writer for Kera Magazine, this is the first time I ever felt I’m at loss for words. Describing accurately a weekend-long adventure seems a daunting task, but I shall try my best to tell you all about one of the events I have enjoyed the most and the beautiful people who made it possible.
Hoping to erase the bad image Animex 2013 had when Misako Aoki visited the convention, the organizers strived to make an excellent Lolita experience via a V.I.P pass, inviting both Angelic Pretty as a brand and shop and model and idol Sakurako Hoshina, providing an interesting offer to all of us who dared attend.
2013年のアニメックス、青木美沙子さんがゲストでいらしてくれた時のこと、このときの失敗の記憶を払拭しようと、主催者たちは、Angelic Prettyをブランドとして、そしてショップとして招き、モデルでアイドルの星名桜子をVIPとして招き、参加した私たちみんなが面白いと思えるようなすばらしいロリータな体験を作ろうと頑張ったのです。
The event was held north of Mexico, in Monterrey, meaning it was the first time I would take a plane by myself in order to attend a Lolita event. I was nervous, to say the least, but was comforted by two lolitas who I learned to call friends, Yareni and Moemi, whose warm welcome made me feel like I never left my home.
The three-day long event encompassed a variety of Lolita events organized by Animex itself and two Lolita communities: Lolitas MTY and Lolita’s Paradise, both who strived to give us interesting conferences and fun activities outside the schedule of the V.I.P. pass.
Friday began with the opening of the Angelic Pretty booth, we were among the first costumers. I purchased the lovely Rose Museum JSK, after trying it on and having a small chat with the Angelic Pretty staff members, who were not only cute but really helpful as we decided what we were going to buy. The language barrier didn’t matter, they really made you feel like a princess, complimenting our coords and helping us tie our waisties. It was, undoubtedly a fantastic experience for us who haven’t been fortunate enough to visit their physical stores.
初日の金曜日は、Angelic Prettyのブースのオープニングから始まりました。私たちがほぼ最初の買い物客。私もAngelic Prettyの日本人スタッフさんとおしゃべりをしたり、いろいろ試したりした後に、かわいいローズ・ミュージアムのJSKを買いました。この店員さん、かわいいだけじゃなくて、とてもよく気が付いてくれて気持ちよく私たちに買い物をさせてくれます。言葉が通じなくても関係ないんです。彼女たちは、ひとりひとりのお客様をプリンセスだって思わせてくれるし、コーデもほめてくれて、コルセットのひもを締めるのも手伝ってくれます。もう疑いなく、すばらしい経験。だって彼女たちの店に行こうと思っても物理的にはなかなか行けないじゃない。
Another great part of the experience was a conference organized by Lolitas Paradise: it was centered on different ways of styling hair or wigs that fit Lolita fashion. Held by lovely Xelhá and Kawaii Ambassador Briz Blossom, it was a practical workshop that gave us valuable insight and tips on how to improve your hairdo and, in consequence, your coordinate as well.
Friday reached a conclusion in a night gathering organized by Lolitas MTY, where we drank and danced, even holding a few contests that were a lot of fun. Unfortunately, the place was very loud and we couldn’t talk much but we truly had a good time. It was intimate and fun, it didn’t matter how tired we were, and it helped us get to know each other better. It was the perfect closing for the first day at Animex.
Thus began Saturday, another day full of lovely activities. Among them, we had a picnic held by Lolitas MTY, an outdoor gathering where Atenas, owner of an indie apparel and jewelry brand Abraxas showed some of her new accessories and where we could interact more comfortably. The only enemy was the heat, that I must say was very vexing, especially considering all of us wore petticoats and wigs but we managed, enjoying some homemade food the local girls brought for us.
Next in line, came a new conference also by Lolita’s Paradise, and I must say this one in particular was my favorite. The topic was online shopping, a complete must for any newcomer lolita and filled with useful advise for us more experienced ones. It was a very comprehensive guide I wish I had when I started wearing the fashion.
Last but not least, the stellar presentation of that day, was the runway of beloved brand Angelic Pretty. I must admit I was disappointed that so little spots were open to attendees, three of the eight spots occupied by idol Sakurako Hoshina, Briz Blossom and by a woman some claim obtained her spot because she worked for the convention itself. I don’t wish to spark a controversy, but I felt sad that her spot wasn’t given to another active, willing lolita. I must say Sakurako, Briz, and the rest of the girls selected did a fantastic job. The outfits looked gorgeous and it was a privilege to see them come down the runway in the first row.
最後に待っていたのは、その日最大の催し物、大好きなAngelic Prettyのランウェイショウでした。ちょっと残念だったと言わないといけないのは、与えられるはずのスポットが少しだけ無くなっていたこと。8つあったスポットの3つがアイドルの星名桜子さん、ブリッツ・ブロッサムさん、そしてもうひとつがアニメックスのために仕事をしたからというだけの理由でそのスポットを取っていってしまった女性にあてがわれていて。騒ぎたてたいわけじゃないけれど、あのスポットがほんとうにそこでランウェイを歩きたいと思っているロリータファッション愛好家に行かなかったのは本当に残念。桜子さんやブリッツ、そして選ばれた他の女の子たちはとてもすばらしい仕事していました。着ていたものはゴージャスで、彼女たちがランウェイを歩いてくるのを最前列で見ることができて、ほんとうに光栄でした。
That is it for today. We will continue this article in Part 2 next week!!
今日はここまで‼ この続きはパート2で、来週に!

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