Spring in Tokyo! (Sakura-themed J-fashion snaps) 春の東京(桜をテーマにしたJファッションスナップ)(from Tokyo, なんとオランダではなく、東京からお届けします!)
2018年4月17日更新Spring in Tokyo! (Sakura-themed J-fashion snaps)
By Liv Lotte
As many of you may have already noticed, spring has arrived here in Tokyo! This goes hand in hand with the short, but absolutely beautiful cherry blossom (Sakura) season. For about one to two weeks, Tokyo is adorned with the stunningly blooming cherry trees to be found in parks and by the side of streets all over the city. People celebrate their spring break by viewing the blossom or picnicking underneath the trees at the famous Sakura spots in and around Tokyo.
I personally always feel very inspired during springtime and I know I cannot be the only one! Over the past few weeks, I have already seen so many amazing spring themed outfits and I would like to showcase some of my favourite snaps here in this article. Hopefully, these can inspire you as well <3
もうみんな気がついていると思うけど、ここ東京に春が来ました! ということは、短い期間だけど、圧倒的にきれいな桜の季節が来たということ。1週間から2週間、東京は咲き誇る桜の花に彩られます。いろいろな公園や街角、そう街全体がそんなふうになってしまう。たくさんの人々が春の到来を告げる桜の開花を喜び、桜で有名な場所にただ桜を眺めに行ったり、ピクニックをしにいったりします。
Most featured are members of the Kawaii Tokyo Girls and Boys on a Facebook group.
Super cute Katie here (@capsulebunny on Instagram and Youtube), in her Larme spring outfit. The special thing about this outfit is obviously her beautiful Sakura-themed eyebrows! (Check out her tutorial for them on her Youtube channel ‘Sakura Eyebrows ~ get ready with me (Hanami)’ )
Larmeの春の衣装に身を包んだ、とってもかわいいケイティ(インスタグラムとYouTubeのアカウントは、@capsulebunny)。このスタイルで特筆すべきはやはり、桜をテーマにした彼女の眉毛!(この眉毛の作り方は、‘Sakura Eyebrows ~ get ready with me (Hanami)’というYouTubeの彼女のチャンネルでチェックしてね!)
To celebrate Hanami, Glory (Mylolitahandmade on Tumblr) made a dress inspired by the cherry blossom pastel colours: ‘lilac and pink are the perfect matches for a photoshoot underneath the Sakura trees’. Couldn’t agree more with her! (The dress, blouse, and all accessories are all handmade)
Left: Maria (@hoshi_cake on Instagram) wearing a cute pink x offwhite outfit for Hanami at Inokashira park.
Right: Katie again, wearing a really sweet pink Lolita coord, to match the colour of the flowers. Her outfit is also bunny themed since spring also means Easter in a lot of countries!
My own Sakura themed outfit! I decided to wear kimono to go out and view the Sakura this year. I chose pink as the main colour to match the flowers and light green, blue and yellow to add a ‘fresh’ feel to it. The kimono is full of flowers and the obi belt has an actual cherry blossom print on it.
Left: Shiena (@Ningyosama in Instagram) wearing an adorable pink x white Gyaru outfit including a Princess Melody one piece, Angelic Pretty Blouse and Liz Lisa shoes.
Right: Feydyn wearing her Sakura Tamashi outfit to view the Sakura at night. A silk furisode with wave and fan pattern with teals, greens, golds, and oranges and contrasting obi.
写真左:とってもかわいいピンクと白のギャル系の服を着ているシーナ(インスタグラムは、@Ningyosama)。コーデとしては、プリンセス・メロディーのワンピースに、Angelic Prettyのブラウス、そしてLiz Lisaのシューズ。
写真右:夜桜を見にSakura Tamashiの服で現れたフェイディン。波と扇の模様の絹の振袖に、カモや緑、金色、橙色という対照的な帯を持ってきているところが素敵。
Okay, that’s all for today! I hope you got some of the inspiration from these snaps I collected. Maybe you can still try to create a blossom or spring themed outfit yourself this year <3.
See you next time!
今日はここまで! 私が撮ってきたスナップ、みんなにインスピレーションを与えられるといいんだけど。自分自身で桜や春をテーマにした衣装を作ってみてはどうでしょうか? まだ間に合うかな…

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