Kawaii Culture in the UK UKのカワイイカルチャー!(from the UK、イギリスからお届けいたします!)
2018年4月11日更新Kawaii Culture in the UK
By Amy Lavender
レポート: エイミー・ラベンダー
In this series, we’ll be exploring how Japan’s kawaii culture has spread around the world, focusing on the UK!
Britain is well known for its Punk roots, giving birth to famous brands like Vivienne Westwood and Dr. Marten. How has the UK embraced Kawaii culture and made it its own? Find out in this new research series!
We’ll be investigating the fashion of the UK’s kawaii fans, discovering how people created their own kawaii worldview. Today we’ll be interviewing FifiDoll, a Living Doll who lives in London, UK.
Kawaii in The UK #1: Fifidoll Dreams
UKのカワイイカルチャー、#1: フィフィドール・ドリーム
Photos: Fifidoll, Troy Edwards-Finlayson
Writing: Amy Lavender
写真: フィフィドール、トロイ・エドワーズ・フィンレイソン
記事: エイミー・ラベンダー
Who is Fifidoll?
Fifidoll is a living doll and doll artist in the UK. Previously she was a fashion designer but she now creates yumekawaii accessories and dolls under the name Fifidoll Dreams.
What is your style?
As a living doll you can dress in many different ways depending on the type of doll you feel most suited towards. I love to wear sweet & girly style, himekji, yamekawaii, and Lolita. I always choose delicate pieces and wear a lot of vintage nightwear because I love the soft sheer fabrics. I wear mainly pink and love wearing pastels. I love to look angelic, dreamy, and sometimes sickly sweet.
What is a Living Doll and how does it affect your style?
Living doll is when you blur the lines between what is real and what is fake; To look artificial and created. Living doll for me is the idea of creating an outwards shell around you that makes you look unreal. This may be in makeup, as a mask, or with body covers. I wear ball jointed limbs and use makeup to achieve doll-like eyes and skin.
生きている人形って何ですか? それはあなたのスタイルにどんな影響を与えていますか?
Tell us about your brand!
I create dreamy delicate accessories for my brand, Fifidoll Dreams, often incorporating doll parts to reflect my style and my love for dolls!
I’ll start off making one thing, such as yamikawaii eye patches, but then find myself wanting to make it cute and dreamy. Other times I’ll find a vintage charm or toy and base the design around that. I pour my soul into all of my creations, reflecting my own style; My brand represents the delicate themes I love to wear. Whenever I make something for my shop, I make another one for myself!
What is Doll Art?
Doll art is when you use a doll as your canvas. Often I will repaint an entire doll, giving it a new character. Occasionally I’ll attach the dolls to my canvas and paint them as part of the scene. All of the dolls that I use are second hand because I like to give them a new chance to be loved.
How did you discover Japanese & Kawaii culture?
I have always been interested in dressing alternatively and expressing myself through fashion, so when I discovered Japanese street style magazines such as KERA and FRUiTS, I was overwhelmed with the exciting mix of colours and cuteness! There weren’t many others who knew about it where I’m from so I discovered more online, saving hundreds of photos that inspired me. My personal kawaii style has grown so much since then but I’ve always admired how anything can become kawaii. That was what led me to fall in love with kawaii.
As for Japanese culture, the history of Yokai inspires me, as Yokai often possess inanimate objects. I love to base my dolls on Yokai and imagine what they would look like if they became possessed.
I often look to Japanese fashion for my dolls, creating menhera and even decora themed dolls.
Whenever I reinvent a doll, I’m reminded of how easily we can completely transformation ourselves. I find it both inspiring and beautiful.
In the future…
I would like to share my Living Doll artwork at exhibitions and events. I’ve found it so fun and freeing to express myself through doll art, so I’d like to share the idea with others. I’d love to expand my brand, and one day even showcase my items at Shibuya 109. I’ve always loved Japanese fashion so exhibiting my dolls there would be my biggest dream!
Follow Fifidoll on their SNS for updates on their Doll life and artwork
Instagram: @fifidoll.dreams
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fifidollofficial/
Twitter: @fifidolldreams
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/fifidolldreams
Official Website: www.fifidoll.com
Shop: www.etsy.com/uk/shop/fifidolldreams (Ships worldwide!)

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