Victorian Maiden Model Experience and Farewell ヴィクトリア・メイデンでのモデル体験、そしてサヨナラ!(from Atalanta, USA アメリカ、アトランタからお届けします!)
2018年3月23日更新Victorian Maiden Model Experience and Farewell
By Renée Marie
With the numerous changes we’ve seen in the Japanese Fashion industry, the community of fashionistas as a whole is feeling a bit fatigued and disappointed. We’ve experienced store closings, magazine print runs ending, and so much uncertainty. However, there is so much force behind the push to move to sustainable options for the Japanese Fashion following, that so many other things are happening to support these changes. Here at KERA, we have switched to a fully digital platform and added an international correspondent section. As an international correspondent, I have the honor of providing coverage of stories from all over my local region as well as across my nation and abroad. With this, I have noted that there is still an overwhelming interest in Japanese Street Fashion and that despite brand closings, stores shutting down, and other sad news, the communities thrive and grow.
To help push this enthusiasm along, I wanted to highlight a beloved original brand that helped to set the stage and really push the historical, feminine, and classical styles we still enjoy in Lolita fashion today – Victorian Maiden.
At the end of 2017, Victorian Maiden announced it would be closing its press room in April of 2018 and that this would likely be the final year for the production of their garments and dresses.
When I heard about this, I couldn’t help but reminisce about the time that I had the honor of modeling for Victorian Maiden at Anime North 2016 held in Toronto, Canada. During this show, we hurried as quickly as possible while still having fun and looking fabulous while doing so. The designer on site from Victorian Maiden was Aya Nimura, and she was so sweet and kind, always looking for the way to make our coordinates stand out as feminine and historically inspired, specifically from the old classic films. They wanted us to have an air of sophistication and happiness as if we walked right off the movie screen onto the runway, so our hair and makeup were kept simple and neutral. We focused on our walks and mannerisms on stage in a way to highlight the details of our dresses, which were fitted to our individual body types, and our accessories were kept traditional.
Thanks to Anime North, Akira was also able to attend the show and participate as a model! Akira is a fantastic model, a great person, and a wonderful personality. It was fantastic to be able to model alongside her and learn from her talented presence.
アニメノースのイベントには感謝しています。アキラもこのショーに参加することができて、モデルをしました。彼女はモデルとしても、人間としても、友人としても最高です! 彼女と一緒にモデルをできたことが最高で、才能ある彼女の存在から多くのことを学ぶことができました。
It was a lovely experience I will never, ever, in a million years forget. Rest in Peace, Victorian Maiden, may your last year shining be a fantastic farewell.
If you would like to see more, you can view a video of the fashion show from Anime North 2016 on Vimeo (by user “Cosplay and Fashion”) found here –
Photos provided by Kevin H Photo and Anime North Convention (Toronto, Canada)
もっとご覧になりたい方は、アニメノース2016 on vimeoでお楽しみください。こちらから行けます -
写真提供: ケヴィン・H・フォト、アニメノース・コンベンション(カナダ、トロント)

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