Mommy & Daughter Lolita Wardrobe ママと娘のロリータ・ワードローブ!(from Singapore シンガポールからお届けします!)
2018年1月19日更新Mommy & Daughter Lolita Wardrobe
Article and photography (unless otherwise stated): Sabrina Tang (@tealmenagerie_frill)
Special thanks: Hoi (@rorimomhoi) and her lovely family
My friend Hoi balances motherhood, moderating a lolita community “HappyRori Singapore”, and finding time to enjoy lolita fashion by including her daughter Gwyneth in tea parties and dress-up-time. In this article wardrobe tips and tricks will be shared regarding ordering lolita clothing from Chinese marketplace Taobao.
“I hope that my coordinates and the photos of my daughter and me will inspire mothers out there to dress up with their kids. Dressing up with my daughter gives me a common conversation point and allows me to still enjoy the fashion, but spend time with her as well. There are just so many things to talk about after attending a lolita meet with her!”
** Disclaimer: The photos of Gwyneth (and a special appearance by her brother Gareth) have been carefully curated to not show their full-faces in the interests of the children or blocked with cute stickers when possible. **
Point 1: Children grow fast, clothing measurements are key
ポイント1: 子供の成長は早いもの。サイズ感を知ることがキー。
Hoi says “For Taobao children’s’ clothes, the sizes go according to their height. Kids grow really fast so it is better to get slightly larger and take into account that the child will likely wear a blouse underneath the jumper skirt. For example, my daughter’s current height is 111 centimeters. If the sizes are 110 and 120, I would order the 120-centimeter option. However, try not to get too big a size or else the kid will be swimming in the dress.”
Here are some choice shop recommendations and coordinates (You might have to enlist the help of a Chinese shopping-service to order from them, as their primary mode of communication is in Chinese)
» Cindy DokiDoki (Custom-made matching lolita sets)
“You can choose the fabric available from what she has and state the measurements such as chest, waist, and height. Since this can be customised, this is really good for plus sized mummies and the dresses can be made according to your size. Good workmanship!”
» StarWish (Adult and kids Lolita clothing)
“Starwish offers very well made country lolita and sweet lolita dresses both for mummy and child. Sometimes, they have stuff for boys too”
For accessories and basics like blouses, keep the choices fun and cheap! Hoi pairs various children’s clothing accessories and basic cute bags or pouches to keep the look fresh and fun. Likewise, blouses and basics in girls’ fashion tend to feature peter-pan collars. Re-use your child’s everyday clothing or formal wear to fit their lolita clothing, it makes a lot more sense for your wallet and their growing needs as well!
アクセサリーや基本のブラウスなどがたくさんの種類から安価に選べたらうれしいですよね! これはホイが組み合わせた子供用のアクセサリーと可愛いバッグやポーチで、とっても楽しそう。同じように、ブラウスなど女の子のファッションはピーターパンみたいな色を取り入れようとしているみたいね。子供たちのいつもの洋服やお出かけ服をロリータ風にアレンジしてみました。この方がお財布にも優しいし、子供たちの膨れ上がるニーズにもうまく答えられますよね。
» Super44 (Adult and child berets)
“This store has matching adult and child berets which will add a fun touch to any outfit!”
As for shoes, always make sure to get their measurements correct. “I recommend getting boots or shoes they can run around in. It is best to measure the length of your child’s foot and add 1 to 1.5 centimeters to find the right size of the shoe and to accommodate a little bit of growth”, Hoi adds. Some recommended shoe shops are:
靴と言えば、サイズはぴったりにしておかないといけないわね。「私のお勧めは、子供たちが走り回れるようなブーツや靴。お子さんの足の大きさを測ったら、1センチもしくは1.5センチくらい大きめのサイズを探すのがコツ。そうすれば成長が早くても何とかなるから。」 ホイが推薦するお店は:
» Dancebees (Kids shoes and boots)
“Dancebees shoes are super comfortable and I love their asymmetrical designs. They also have cute boots but mainly in pink and white.”
» Babymumlove (Kids Mary Janes
“You can find lovely and affordable Mary Janes for your little ones. Comes usually in black, white, pink and red colors.”
Point 2: Make sure your child is comfortable
ポイント2: 子供たちが心地よく感じてくれるのが一番
As we were walking around the park doing my mini-photoshoot with Hoi and Gwyneth, the sun was starting to get pretty strong and the temperature was quickly becoming unbearable. “Mommy, I’m too warm!” was the cut-off point for our photoshoot where we quickly hurried back to Hoi’s home and got Gwyneth changed out into a more comfy ensemble. Though we as adults might feel fine bearing the heat in our layers of frills, it was agreed beforehand that we would only continue the photo shoot as long as Gwyneth was comfortable. The location chosen was a stone’s throw away from their apartment as well.
When I asked about choosing her own clothing, Hoi again stressed that for Gwyneth, only one accessory on her head was acceptable at any one time be it a hairclip or a hat. Hoi’s son Gareth, who is still a toddler, was really curious and wanted to wear socks to match his sister and mom too. “Gwyneth is all about comfort, but her brother likes trying on random things!” Hoi mentioned as he played with her stuff.
自分の着る服を選んでみたらと言った時も、ホイはグイネスには頭につける飾りもひとつだけときっぱり言ってしました。ヘアクリップにしても帽子にしてもそれは同じ。ホイの息子ギャレスはまだ赤ちゃんなのだけれど、ママとお姉さんといっしょの靴下が履きたくてしょうがなかったみたい。「グイネスに関しては、着心地がいいことが一番。でもギャレスは、何でも見境なく試してみたがるのよ!」 ホイがそう言っている中、ギャレスはママの持ち物で遊んでいました…
Hoi shared that Gwyneth was not always as keen to dress up as she was now. “When Gwyneth turned four years old, she started to show more enthusiasm and interest in dressing up and was a lot less fussy when we were outside together. That was when I started to get more lolita dresses for her. To my daughter, she just feels happy wearing the pretty dresses spending time with mommy.”
Point 3: Make sure everyone is having fun
As I was at their house prepping and packing before and after, it was very evident that Gwyneth was having fun getting ready, and had a natural curiosity about what I was doing when flat-lay photographing her outfits. “I like this dress and wore it when I was smaller, but it’s so short I can’t fit anymore!” Gwyneth giggled as she continued coloring and drawing right next to me. It is evident there were fond memories in that dress due to Hoi’s careful curation of the meetups she would bring Gwyneth to; being respectful that the host was fine with it and venue suitable, thus ensuring her daughter would have fun.
彼女たちの家にいて、洋服の準備をしたり、パッキングをしたりしていると、グイネスも嬉しそうに一緒に準備。その横で衣装の写真を撮る私たちに彼女も興味津々。「私もこのドレスは大好きだったのだけど、もっと小さな頃に着ていたものだから、いまでは短くてもう履けないの。」 塗り絵をしていたグイネスがそう言って笑う。そのドレスにはホイがどの集会にグイネスを連れて行こうかとしっかり考えた思い出が詰まっているのね、きっと。主催者にも子供が同伴であることを伝えたでしょうし、場所にもそれでよいか聞いたはず。その上で娘さんが楽しい思いができるよう気を配ったに違いないのね。
“It makes me very happy when I see my daughter prancing around the house in her lolita dresses and asking father to take photos of her. They don’t need makeup or fancy hairstyles to look adorable” Hoi also shared
To end the article, here is a coordinate shot of them in matching sets from the brand “Moe and George”.
Hoi is wearing socks from Alice and the Pirates and a parasol from BABY THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT, paired with a Magical Holic brand head bow from Atelier Pierrot.
ホイが履いている靴下は、Alice and the Pirates、パラソルはBABY THE STARS SHINE BRIGHTのもの、そしてアトリエピエロのマジカルホリックの髪飾りというコーデです。

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