Fashion Challenge: Wa Lolita ファッション・チャレンジ 挑戦、和のロリータ (from The Netherlands オランダからお届けします!)
2017年10月25日更新Fashion Challenge: Wa Lolita
ファッション・チャレンジ 挑戦、和のロリータ
By Liv Lotte (Letter to Lotta)
Recently, one of our Dutch Lolita community members had the cool idea to start doing so-called ‘monthly Lolita Fashion challenges’. Every month, someone gets nominated to start a new challenge and all our members are dared to make one or more coordinates that fit a specific theme.
Last month, the theme of this challenge was ‘Wa Lolita’. This style combines Lolita with Japanese traditional fashion and lately has been gaining popularity both in and outside of Japan. Over the past few years, big brands like Metamorphose temps de filled and Innocent World have already been releasing some really interesting Wa dresses and accessories. Lately, also some newer and smaller brands like RoyalPrincessAlice have been releasing Lolita fashion pieces that clearly take some elements from Kimono fashion, such as huge waist bows and bright floral prints.
先月は、そのチャレンジのテーマが「和のロリータ」だったの。このスタイルはロリータを日本の伝統的なファッションと組み合わせるというもので、日本でもさることながら、海外でもだんだん人気が出てきています。ここ数年を見ても、Metamorphose tempes de fille とかInnocent Worldなどの大きなブランドも和のドレスやアクセサリーのとても面白いものをリリースしていますよね。また最近では、RoyalPrincessAliceといった小規模でも新しいブランドが大きな腰のリボンとか明るい花柄プリントなど、着物の要素を取り入れています。
Now let’s have a look at some of the coordinates that the Dutch Lolitas made for the Wa Lolita Challenge! ^0^
Josine wore a very colourful and quirky coord with Metamorphose tempe de fille’s Snowy Rabbit Tuck Ribbon Jamper skirt.
ヨシンが来ているのは、Metamorphose temps de filleのスノーラビット、タックリボンのジャンパースカートを使ったとてもカラフルで突飛なコーデ。
Odette created this really lovely Wa coord, using an ANGELICPRETTY skirt and an off brand yukata and obi. Just look at that awesome colour combination!
Anna wearing the RoyalPrincessAlice Magnificent White Fox JSK, combined with black and red.
My own coord! I adore the Wa Lolita style and here I am wearing one of my dream dresses (Romantic Kimono by Metamorphose temps de filled) combined with a wine red haori, yellow tights and red Rockng Horse ballerina.
これは私のコーデ。私の夢のドレス(Metamorphose temps de fillesのロマンチック着物)をワインレッドの羽織と黄色のタイツ、赤いロッキンホース バレリーナ(靴)に合わせて着ています。私は和のロリータを本当にかわいいと思います。
What I like most about these challenges, is that people are forced to think out of their comfort zone and create outfits that they normally wouldn’t think of! I find it very inspiring to see all the different takes on one theme as well.
If you enjoyed looking at these outfit snaps, maybe try a Monthly Fashion Challenge in your own community as well!
Thank you for reading!

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