


Seeing a girl wearing a beautiful lolita dress and taking a stroll around Harajuku is not a rare sight. But when I came to Harajuku this Saturday a big amount of people wearing beautiful lolita-fashion and gorgeous ouji-fashion were heading somewhere with excitement. The only reason for this could be Second Gothic and Lolita market finally taking place! So I chose my best outfit and hurried to a Harajuku event space located in the back of LaForet mall.


Event takes place on two floors with lolita fashion and accessories indie brands are opening their small stores. This time over 30 stores had their little space on the market offering exclusive items that are nowhere else to be found so the whole shopping trip was more like of a treasure hunt! Creators of all brands took part in the market as well so I had a chance to talk to everyone in person and ask of each brand’s special points.

一番最初にファンタジー物語の王族が持っていそうな豪華なアクセサリーブランド atelierBeatrice さんに声を掛けてみました。指輪とネックレスだけじゃなくて普通のアクセサリー店では見られないツノが付いてるヘッドバンドとお嬢様のようなティアラも置いてありました。atelierBeatriceのクリエーターさんとお話させていただけてお聞きしたら、このブランドを立ち上がる前は舞台用のアクセサリーを作っていらしたそうです。ロリータファッションが大好きな女の子向けに同じようなアイテム作りたかったけど実際の舞台道具は重くて日常的なコーデには使いにくいので、もうちょっと日常的なバージョンを作ろうと決めてatelierBeatriceと言うブランドは生まれたそうです。

The first brand that caught my attention was a brand with accessories that looked like they came out of some fantasy story – atelierBeatrice. I saw not only necklaces or rings – there were items that are impossible to find in any usual accessory store – royal tiaras and headwear with horns. When I talked with the creator of atelierBeatrice brand I found out that she used to work creating theater costume props in the past for a long time. She was in big love with magical fantasy aesthetics that theater costumes usually have so she started thinking how it would be possible for lolita fashion lovers to wear the same things and yet feel comfortable to move around wearing them in everyday life. That was how atelierBeatrice came to life!


その隣にあったのは、宝石のように輝いてるMYK Eyelashesさんのスペースでした。「まぶたの上に宝石箱を」がコンセプトとなっているつけまつげブランドです。名前通りにどんなコーデや季節にもぴったり合わせられる沢山のつけまつげが置いてありました。ハロウイン限定のものもあって赤紫の宝石が付いているまつげ自体はコウモリの羽に見えていて、とても可愛かったです。店のスタッフさんとともに一番似合いそうなまつげを決めて、もちろん購入しました。

The next booth I spotted was MYK Eyelashes space that was shining like diamonds. This brand produces eyelashes and describe their concept as “putting a jewelry box above one’s eyelid” and that’s completely what they’re doing with their magical products. You can find a pair of eyelashes for every season and coordinate and they’re always coming up with new ones! For example this year’s Halloween specials have red and purple jewels on the top of eyelashes as well as the tip of them shaped like bat’s wing. With the help of shop’s stuff I was able to find that one pair that suited my outfit the most!



The next shop I couldn’t possibly pass by as it was literally sparkling with magic. The brand name is Tenshi no Shippo (Angel’s tail) which I think is the perfect name for such a cute and magical brand. Creator of the brand Kokotan was also there so I had a chance of asking about brand concept in detail. As many other little girls in her childhood Kokotan was in love with magical girls anime and dreamed to become one as well. Even becoming older she always kept that dream dearly in her heart so one day for all other girls like herself she decided to start creating accessories that resembled magical girl’s items. I couldn’t take my eyes of Tenshi no Shippo accessories that are having a special magical aura so, who knows, maybe they do actually hold some special powers inside…



If I would find the right word to describe the next brand I found than rather that cute I might use “cool” and “gorgeous” because that how their accessories are really like. Rosario and antique like rings are must-have items for any princess who is in love with gothic style. The brand of *fuwari*is really famous in Lolita community among lovers of more classic style fashion. This time beside accessories they had tote bags and head dresses so your full look would be perfect altogether. I was told the brand creators inspired by classical Europe fashion aesthetics that also became one of the brand’s special trait. 



I was surprised when I saw one of the market’s shops in the dark corner of the room. But when I got close to it I found out the reason. There was no need for any light because the creations are the light itself. “I have never seen anything like that!” I declared with excitement and the creator of Kemuri decoration store told me that it was exactly their concept – to create something that wasn’t seen before. Having a bit of steam punk aesthetics as well this beautiful accessories are totally something a wizard would have !



There were still a lot of shops I wanted to take photos of when suddenly I was called by my number for the snap contest completion. There was a change for having your outfit photos taken by the professional photographer so you can enter in the snap contest held by Gothic and Lolita market. All the photos are send to your email later too so even without winning any prize you are will have a small photo shoot on your hands! Halloween is near so I chose a witchy image for my today’s coordinate, do you like it?


The next Gothic and Lolita market will be on 21 and 22 of March 2020. I will definitely take part in the next one too so I’m waiting with excitement!
Twitter: @Goth_LoliMarket

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