[Event Report] Chile, day 2 – Monster Fantasy – Bows Lolita Covention (Chile) チリ、デイ2 – モンスター・ファンタジー - ボウズ・ロリータ・コンベンション(from Chile、チリからお届けします!)
2019年1月8日更新[Event Report] Chile, day 2 – Monster Fantasy – Bows Lolita Convention (Chile)
チリ、デイ2 – モンスター・ファンタジー - ボウズ・ロリータ・コンベンション(チリ)
Reported by Ana Carolina de Oliveira Kusuki
Photo credits: José Domingo Pérez Barrios (Urograd Photography), and the unprofessional ones are mine.
On October 20th, the Lolita event organized by Bows Magazine, called Monster Fantasy, was held in Santiago, Chile. At 4pm, local time, the event began at the glamorous Palacio Círculo Español, which in a short period of time was already crowded with lolitas floating around the gorgeous booths that mixed national and international brands and the invited brand, Angelic Pretty.
昨年10月20日、ボウズマガジン主催のロリータファッションイベント、モンスター・ファンタジーがチリ、サンチャゴで行われました。現地時間午後4時、イベントはとっても豪華なパラチオ・シルクーロ・エスパニョールで始まり、瞬く間にロリータファッション愛好家たちで埋め尽くされ、国内国外から集まったファッションブランドのブース、そして招待ブランドのAngelic Prettyのブースの周りを軽やかに飛び回ります。
During the entrance, there was time for the lolitas to enjoy the booths, which were full of wonderful items! One of the most disputed ones was the Angelic Pretty Paris booth, which was almost all the time full of girls doing shopping. The “crowd” only dissipated a little from the booths during the raffles that were going on.
イベント開始直後、参加者たちはブースを見て回り、楽しむ時間がありました。ブースは見たいものでいっぱいです。最も人気があったのは、Anglic Prettyのパリのブース。そこはいつ見ても、買い物をしようという女子たちで盛り上がっていました。女の子とたちがブースから離れたのは、ラッフルが行われた時だけでした。
In addition to the booths, the event featured a work by the artist Annabelle di Vilches, where guests could interact and take photos.
At a certain time, Minori went to the stage to talk to everyone. Then she went to her booth where guests could buy her products, take pictures and get autographs.
When the time of the fashion show came, everyone sat at their tables to see it. The national and international brands opened the catwalk, with gorgeous clothes and accessories. In the end, it was the turn of the invited brand, Angelic Pretty, to show their clothes and accessories.
ファッションショーが始まるころには、参加者もテーブルの席に座り、みんなで観覧。国内外のブランドが提供する服やアクセサリーをつけたモデルたちがキャットウォークを歩きます。ショーのトリは招待ブランドのAngelic Prettyが服とアクセサリーを披露しました。
After the fashion show, we had the Dinner Party, with entrée, main course and dessert for the guests. There were options for those who were vegan and celiac too. And to close the event, the choice of the best outfit by Minori and Angelic Pretty Paris.
ショーが終わるとディナーパーティーの時間です。前菜、メイン、そしてデザートが参加者に振る舞われます。菜食主義の方たちやセリアック症の方たちも好みに合ったメニューを選ぶことができて、とてもよいディナーでした。イベントの最後は、ベスト衣装賞がミノリさんとAngelic Pretty Parisから発表されました。
The event was very cool and very well organized! I would like to express my deepest thanks to the Monster Fantasy team and the Chilean community, who welcomed us with open arms and even with the language barrier they were very receptive and attentive – it was fun to use Portuguese, English and Spanish in conversations. And a big special thank you to José Domingo Pérez Barrios, from Urograd Photography, for kindly providing the photographs that are used in Kera’s article – his work is wonderful! Please take a look at it at https://www.facebook.com/urograd/ .
Thank you for your reading through my report!

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