Photo and report: Kurono Mari
Gothic and Lolita market is opening its doors for the third time, welcoming creators and lolita lovers from all over the country. Being a popular event this time not just one but two days, on 21 and 22 of March, were dedicated for the market so that all participants could reserve a table for themselves. Are you ready to find out what brands are taking part in the event this time? If you answered yes, let’s go to Harajuku event space together to find out ♡
It is impossible to take an eye off these beautiful necklaces with a sparkling stones, looking like amulets from some magical game. These accessories are made by the brand Choconte and are a great addition to a lolita outfit coordinate as well as a cute point to an everyday look.
Have you heard of sparkling cute star-themed bags and bags with a big moving clock on them? These bags look like they came from some fantasy movie and would be a great addition to any outfit. They made by non-japanese brands by thanks to LIE you can buy them right at the market. Of course, online shopping is an option too but nothing can be better than hold your dream bag while looking at yourself in the mirror! By the way the size is perfect to fit all the necessities so don’t miss the chance to get one!
Choconte official page: https://twitter.com/choconte_
LIE official page: https://twitter.com/Lie_end
エレガントな美しさを表しているLady E, Whiterryさんはお洋服とアクセサリーブランドです。「レディになれる」をテーマにしてて言葉通りお嬢様にふさわしいドレスやワンピースを出しております。レディが毎日美しく居られるように、職場や学校でも着やすいデザインもあります。もちろん、全着ハンドメイド、クオリティはハイブランドに負けないくらい丁寧に作られております。「ロリータ系やってみたいけど派手すぎるのはちょっと…」と思っている方がいらっしゃればLady E, Whiterry さんのお洋服に注目するのがおすすめです!
Beautiful feminine fashion is a trademark of Lady E, Whiterry brand. “To become a lady” is the motto and theme of their designs and it’s perfectly seen in gorgeous dresses and skirts that look like they came out of some noble lady’s closet. Being able to wear beautiful clothes to workplace or college is another concept of the design, which may look a little bit simpler than many other brands. For those, who thought they wanted to try wearing lolita fashion but are not into vivid styles Lady E, Whiterry can be a perfect start!
Lady E, Whiterry official page: http://lewkk.holy.jp/index.html
Elegant accessories and a big variety of original print stockings are what MorunxMuunaStoik is famous for. If you ever wanted a beautiful black veil for your gothic outfit or cute flowery bonnet for your classical-style look this brand is ready to provide you with these items as well as many more! Of course, original-print dresses are also on sale. All the accessories are hand-made so even items with similar design have a slight difference between each other and any accessory you’ll get would be an one-of-a-kind one♡
MorunxMuunaStoik official page: http://www.mms-web.net/
ビスクドール(磁器人形)のパーツに宝石を飾っているアクサセリーをみたことがありますか?この不思議さはSilver Star~銀星堂~さんの作品の個性の一つです。ちょっとだけダークな雰囲気でも目が離せないぐらい美しくて魅力的なアクセサリーです。ゴシック系が好きな方はもちろん、スチームパンク系やクラシック系ロリータコーデにも素敵なワンポイントになります。
Have your ever heard of accessories that mix doll parts with gem stones creating beautiful necklaces? These unique designs belong to Silver Star brand, with their creations might have a little bit of dark aesthetics yet it’s impossible to take your eyes from them. A great addition to the accessory collection not only to gothic-lolita coordinate bur for some steam-punk style lovers as well.
Silver Star~銀星堂~ official page: https://twitter.com/mizuki2s
美味しそう…!って言えるアクセサリーメーカーって言ったらは間違いなくEARL’S FAVOURITEさんです。本物のいちごと見間違えるほどのかわいいお財布とポーチは甘ロリータコーデに必至なアイテムでしょう?小さなコインケースなら日常生活にも使いやすい!もちろん、いちご柄以外にもショートケーキや他のお菓子風なデザインがたくさんあります。新作もどんどん出てるので甘い物好きはホームページをチェックするのを忘れずに!
It looks so tasty…! that would be your first thought if you look at bags and accessories made by EARL’S FAVOURITE. Coin purses and little pouches with a quality that is easy to be mistaken for a real strawberry, a must-have item for all sweet lovers and of course sweet lolitas. Little coin cases are cute and usable in every-day life as well. They have fruit cakes and many other sweets as well with new designs coming out every month, so be sure to check their homepage!
EARL’S FAVOURITE official page: https://www.andcompany.co.jp/
*fuwari*, who took part in the previous event as well is back with many new beautiful items! They are famous for the gorgeous accessories with some catholic motives, featuring cross and angel elements. They have a big variety of headdresses and bows, as well as some items featuring dried flower elements so it’s easy to find something to make a perfect addition for your coordinate. Be sure to follow their social networks to get new updates on exclusive items.
*fuwari* official page: https://twitter.com/fuwari_xxxx
Even though the main purpose of Gothic and Lolita market is the selling area it is also a great place to get some new friends and of course to show off your best lolita coordinate! Every time Best Coordinate contest is being held with some special prizes given to chosen winners. Your snap would be taken by professional photographer and all the photos would be sent to an email after, so even you don’t want to take part in the contest be sure to use the chance to get some beautiful photos of your outfit.
Here is my coordinate on the events day. I went for a more mature witchy image, do you think I got it right?
Thank you so much for a beautiful photos!
I”m really waiting for what the next Gothic and Lolita Market would bring to us ♡
Be sure to follow their official page not to miss any future updates ♡
Gothic and Lolita Market official home page: https://gothicandlolitamarket.themedia.jp/
Gothic and Lolita Market twitter: https://twitter.com/Goth_LoliMarket

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