COMICUP25 in 上海に行ってきました!KERA公式ブースからの1日目レポート♡
In the end of December of the biggest Japanese culture-related festivals COMICUP25took place in Shanghai. When you speak of Japanese modern culture that is famous throughout the world no doubt it’s not only about anime and manga but lolita and Harajuku fashion as well.
二つの大きなホールはロリータ ファッションブース用のスペースになっていて、100個以上のブランドのブースがお客さんを待っていました。その中ではBABY the Stars Shine BrigthさんやMiho Matsudaさんといった、中国で人気の日本のロリータブランドはもちろん、個人の手作りアクセサリーブランドや、メイク・ウイッグブースまで出店していました。
Two halls in the gigantic pavilion of the event were dedicated only to lolita fashion with over 100 different booths waiting for guests. Among them were some famous Japanese fashion brands, such as BABY the Stars Shine Brigth and Miho Matsuda and a lot of popular original Chinese lolita brands. Of course different small accessory brands, wig and make-up shops took part in the convention helping every lolita to create a new perfect coordinate.
Of course, missing such a major event is not possible for KERA team so we arrived to Shanghai to start our preparations as well. Our goal was not just to have fun at the festival but to set up a booth by ourselves. The main reason for that was the start of production of KERA original lolita dresses in 4 variations! With circus theme as a print dress comes in two color variations of golden beige and red x black combination, both of which is cute in its own way ♡
自分はゴールドベージュのジャンパースカートとお揃いのヘッドドレスを選びました。ウエストの辺りのチュールとパールの合わせはとても可愛くて豪華感が出ます♡スカートの長さはいつも着ているロリータ ドレスより長くて、お人形さんぽくてとてもおしゃれに見えるから、背が高い方におすすめです!
On the first day me, Kurono Mari and Chinese model Tong Tong created a coordinate choosing one of four new dresses. I went with beige gold jumper skirt and matching head dress, arranging other accessories I brought with me. My favorite part of the dress design is tulle frills with pearl chain that gives a gorgeous, a little bit magical look ♡ The length of the skirt is a little bit longer than usual lolita dresses which gives a cute dolly impression so it’s a must-have item for taller princesses!
Tong Tong went with long-sleeve dress and a beautiful head accessory of her own. With glittery make up she looked like a beautiful fairy! Long-sleeve dress is easy to wear as it gives the look of a complete coordinate the way it is so it’s perfect for a casual meet up with friends!
Such grand event as COMICUP25 is not to be missed for most of Japanese lolita models as well. Aoki Misako, who is famous not only in Japan but has a lot of fans in China as well arrive in venue surrounded by a lot of fans wanting to take a photo together. Her coordinate was a beautiful pink frilly dress with a matching bonnet, an outfit of a real princess ♡ Thank you so much for stopping at KERA booth despite tight schedule!
Kimura Yu also showed up at COMICUP 25! This time she wore an new outfit by one of the famous Chinese brands that also were presented on the event. Kimura Yu, who is famous not only in Japan but throughout the world took her time to have a chat and take a photo with every fan who wanted to meet her. Thank you for stopping at KERA booth as well!
Not only models but all the princesses who came to visit an event dressed in their best outfits prepared for today. Even though all of them wore lolita fashion the variety of their styles didn’t stop on just sweet and gothic outfits – everyone combined different items and accessories to create an unique outfit of their own to match their personality. By the way not only lolitas from China took part in the event – fashion lovers from Japan, Taiwan and Korea gathered in venue to meet new people and of course take a lot of photos! Love for lolita fashion is definitely a thing that can connect people from all around the world. Thank you for coming to KERA booth to take photos ♡
Thank you for reading the report for the first day! I got a chance to look around the venue on the second day so I’ll be sure to share it with you in my next report too ♡

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