海外ロリータイベント「In Eden メモリーの仕立て屋」に行ってみました!♡


ロリータファッションは日本で生まれたものですが海の向こうにあるたくさんの国にまで広がって世界中のロリータたちはただ有名ブランドのワンピースを着るだけじゃなくて同じワンピースを着ても一人一人の個性を表すための様々な工夫をしています。特に中国ではロリータファッションの広がりの勢いはすごくてアクセサリーや小物だけじゃなく、ロリータ服ブランドも次々と立ち上がってきています。今回は、そのひとつのブランド [In Eden]が開催した海外ロリータブランド・ウイッグ展示販売イベント「メモリーの仕立て屋」にいってきました。数ヶ月前オープンされた「リングリンク」フォトスタジオが1日だけお姫様部屋に変更されてモデルさんがお客様と交流できる楽しい空間となりました。  

Even though Lolita fashion was born in Japan the popularity of the style has been increasing over the years with Lolita tea parties being held throughout the world and famous brands opening their stores in many countries including Europe. Lolita fashion became especially popular in China during last several years with more and more original Chinese brands opening recently, producing not only Lolita accessories but their own original dresses as well. One of these brands “In Eden” opened an exhibition-market event of international Lolita brands for everyone to spend some time together as well as to add some new exclusive pieces to their wardrobe. Event was held in a studio “Ring Link” which opened several months – with pretty pastel rooms to watch the atmosphere of today’s event. 

テーブルの上に並んでいる丁寧に作られていたベレー帽と帽子は「In Eden」ブランドの手作り作品です。お嬢様っぽい豪華なものから日常コーデに合わせやすい可愛いものまで並んでいて誰でもお気に入りの一点を見つけることは間違いないでょう!帽子以外にブローチや小物アクセサリーもたくさんあって普段の服に合わせてみたいものもたくさん並んでいます。クリエーターの韻さんは日本のファッションが大好きで中国から来日して銀座の帽子専門学校のアンティーク製帽科を卒業されて自分のブランドを立ち上げたそうです。ちなみに韻さんはずっとブースの隣にいてくれて、どんな帽子を選んだらよいのか迷っていたら一緒に選んでもらえました!

Various beautiful has and berets displayed on the table are hand-made pieces of brand “In Eden”. From gorgeous head-dresses to match the most royal outfit to cute hats easily to style with everyday looks – everyone would definitely find that one item to perfectly match with their own style. Of course there are not only hats – various hand-made bows, brooches and other accessories that will add a cute and unique touch not only to lolita coordinate but to the everyday looks as well! The creator, as well as the host of today’s event Yun was born in China and came to Japan to study fashion and, especially, hat design and could finally open her own brand! Yun, was always present in the event hall as well so for those, who were not sure which hat to chose your perfect coordinate she was glad to help and give some styling advice.

台湾ブランド「Atelier 17」さんと 「ElpressL」さんは、ドレスからアクセサリーまで様々な商品を展示販売していました。オリジナル柄のスカートとワンピースはゴシック系からスイート系まで幅広いスタイルで作られています。そして、どのようなロリータコーデを完成させか?に必須のアイテム、プリントタイツとロングソックスも色んな柄のものが発売されています。普段通販でしか買えないお洋服が、今回は鏡の前で合わせてそのまま持ち帰りもできるので、とても貴重な機会だと思いました。そして「Vanyar Wig」さんからは豪華なロリータ系ウイッグがとてもたくさん販売されていました。短めの可愛いカーリー髪型から妖精みたいなロングなピンク系ウイッグまで、あなたのコーデに一番ピッタリなスタイルがきっと見つかります。


Some items from Taiwan brands “Atelier 17” and “ElpressL” were also displayed for everyone to take a closer look and maybe have a new addition to their collection! Dresses and skirts with original prints and designs were displayed in various styles from gothic to sweet lolita making it easy to match any princess’es taste. Printed tights and socks were also on sale in a big variety to make a perfect touch to complete a coordinate for a special day. You can’t normally buy any of the dresses in a usual shop but ordering from an online store so this event was a unique opportunity to touch the items in person and decide which one suits you the best. “Vanyar Wig” brand was also present on the event with its gorgeous wigs of various lolita hairstyles. From short pink cute curly wigs to long and wavy fairy-like hairstyles – wearing wigs is a perfect opportunity to create the look you wanted so give it a try!


Another special things today’s event was Yun’s workshop of a flower-in-a-frame accessory brooch you could make on your own. You can choose your favorite flower and color combination from various flowers and arrange them into a small frame to make one-of-a-kind accessory for yourself or maybe as a gift to some of your friends? I used this opportunity to create a frame with a gothic accent that would match style I usually wear – looks so cute right? 


Upper loft of the studio was turned into a magical princess’ room. A perfect place to share some secrets surrounded by flowers and aroma candles! And of course to make a snap of today’s coordinate!

本日のイベントに合わせてゲストのモデルさんも遊びに来られたお客さんもみんなとても可愛くおしゃれしていました。その中でもモデルの小夜さん(@sayo_tukioka) とケンさん(@Softpotion) はElpressLの色違いドレスでの双子コーデ!二人とも妖精のように可愛くてとても似合ってるでしょう?

Both guests and models of today’s event looked beautifully, dressed in a special coordinates prepare for this day. Models Sayo (@sayo_tukioka) and Ken (@Softpotion) wore a twin-look with gorgeous outfits of ElpressL brand looking like a fairies from some magical fairytale. 


Guests who visited the event were also dressed in various styles from traditional style to classic lolita outfits. Every outfit was unique and beautiful. don’t you think so? 


スナップ写真:ジョンジョン (@nycjonjon) ご協力ありがとうございます!


In Eden homepage and online shop : https://ineden.net


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