DESIGN FESTA VOL.50行ってきました!日本で最大のアートとファッションのイベントからレポート☆
2019年11月30日更新日本で一番大きなアートとデザインのイベントDESIGN FESTAの記念すべきvol.50が11月16−17日に開催されました。世界中から5,000以上のクリエーターさん達がブースを繰り広げるアーティストの祭典です!服や手作りアクセサリー、そしてイラストからフィギュアまでアートはこの二日間はすべてここに集まってきます。販売エリア以外にもパフォーマンスエリアや自分でアート作りを体験できるワークショップエリアもあって、子供から大人まで誰でも楽しめるイベントです。お腹が空いたらフードエリアでは、たくさんの屋台がお客さんを待ってます。こんな特別なイベントを自分で体験したくて早速デザインフェスタへ行ってみました!どんなクリエターさんが待っているのでしょうか?東京ビッグサイトからレポートします!
The biggest art and fashion event in Japan – Design Festa vol.50 opened its doors for all creative things lovers on 16 and 17 of November. This time was the commemorative 50th anniversary event with over 5000 creators from all over the world setting up their booths throughout Tokyo Big Sight west halls. From fashion and accessories to art pieces and one-of-a-kind figurines – all kind of art forms gathered inside one place on these two days. Of course there was not only shop area – a workshop space and well as stage for performances and fashion shows gave opportunity for everyone from adults to small children to enjoy the special day. And for those who became hungry throughout the day – more than 30th different food stalls waited on the rood of west halls and inside the venue. Of course there wasn’t any other option but to go and explore the event by myself! What kind of creators are waiting inside? Let’s head to Tokyo Big Sights to find out!
メインホールでは、ライブパフォーマンススやファッションショーが開催される大きなステージがあり、その周りにさまざまなクリエイターのブースが設置されていました。 ちなみに、西のホールは内部にあり、イラスト館やファッション館など多くのセクションに分かれているので、最も興味のあるものを簡単に探ることができます。「気になっているブースはどこにあるの?」 悩んだ方はインフォメーションセンターでサポートしてくれます。
In the main hall I could see a big stage where live performances as well as fashion shows are scheduled to be held with booths of different creators set up around it. By the way west halls inside and divided into illustration, fashion and many other sections so it would be easier to explore what you’re most interested in. “I don’t know from where should I start?” “Where is that artist I wanted to meet?” – those who are scared to lost inside big venue – don’t worry, the information center and big maps are out there to help and guide you around.
One of the famous things to look of on Design Festa is live painting. Various artists use blank canvases more than two meters wide to create new art right in the venue for everyone to look and take pictures of. Will all artists finish their work by end of day one or will they continue to paint on the second day too? It’s another thing to look forward while exploring the festival.
デザインフェスタでは、アーティスト自身が直接ブースで商品を販売し、ファンと交流してくれるので、お気に入りのイラストレーターやデザイナーと直接話もできる絶好の機会です。 アートを勉強し始めたばかりの人は、あこがれの先輩からアドバイスを受けたり、インスピレーションを得るチャンスになります! それで、私も早速いろんなクリエイターさんに会いに行きました!
The artists themselves usually present at booth on Design Festa to sell goods and meet their fans so it’s a perfect chance to meet your favorite illustrator or designer and to have a small talk. Those who just started to study art can even have a chance to receive some advice or gain inspiration from their seniors! So let’s not waste any more time and go meet some creators that arrived today!
Inside of a fairy-tale like pastel pink booth of three famous creators are waiting to meet their fans and all cute fashion lovers. There is no way for those who love Harajuku or cute fashion not to know them but just in case lets introduce the members one for time!
Illustrator・mangaka・designer Ezaki Bisuko taking part in Design Festa again with his original characters including Menhera-chan. From pouches and key-holders to cute accessories and original photo albums – all important items for Menhera-chan fans are gathered here. This time you can even get a personal portrait drawn by Bisuko in Menhera-chan style together with any of the characters! Did everyone get their opportunity to get one-of-a-kind piece of artwork from a favorite illustrator? ♡
Next is Hiromin with yume-kawaii brand With the combination of these cutest pastel pink and lavender clothes you can become cuter than anybody in the world! Of course cute tote-bags to complete your look are also on sale. With cute tops and frilly skirts you can create your own combination of yume-kawaii coordinate right on the spot! Don’t forget that all items are hand-made so there is not a single chance you will have the same outfit as someone else. homepage:
そしてぱすてる。jpのかわいい小物アクセサリー担当のConpeitou. by m.k.Designさんのブース。大人気の天使と悪魔の羽ヘアクリップ以外にもいろんなネックレスや指輪が揃っていました。パステル系はもちろんですが、赤と黒を基調にしたアクセサリーもたくさんあってゴシックスタイルが大好きな人も自分のコーデの中でちょっとダークな感じで入れてみてはいかがでしょう?
And the last but definitely not the least of the trio is Conpeitou. by m.k.Design with the cutest accessories to complete any fashion look. You might seen their popular angel and devil hair clips before but this time they have a lot of new necklaces and rings to choose from as well. Even though pastel-colored accessories is their trademark you can spot black items as well to complete one’s perfect gothic look.
Conpeitou. home page:
異次元の世界に出てきそうなゴシックで不思議なアクセサリーはBebe trunkさんのブースの特徴です。手作りなのはアクセサリーだけじゃなくてリングの中の細かい絵柄まで、全部ベベさんが丁寧に書かれているんだとか。しかも当日タトゥーペイントも開催されて、たった10分でかっこいいタトゥーを描いて貰うチャンスでした、なかなかないですよね…!
Gothic and dark accessories that might appear in a magic realm are also a trademark of Bebe Trunk booth. Not only each of them is handmade but even the design on the ring was drawn by hand by the creator. By the way in the day of the event aside from accessory selling Bebe offered everyone to draw a tattoo on one’s hand – a perfect chance to get a cool tattoo just in 10 minutes!
Fashion is not only about pastel or gothic look but a form of art and freedom. Midoroya, that got her inspiration by combining fashion of 90s and her love for steam-pink would definitely agree. “I just wanted to created something by combining the things I love!” she confessed talking about her colorful brand. She gladly offered to try on any of her hats or hair accessories so maybe it was a perfect chance to try something new this winter!
Feminine and cute PM.L brand is about what every girl would definitely be happy to wear. From frilly heart tote-bags to chokers, rings and even dresses created a little girl heaven right in the venue. Combining pastel colors with popular cross designs any of the accessory’s can become a perfect item to complete a lolita fashion lover’s look for a special day as well as to add a cute point to everyday’s outfit.
Heavenly Gardenさんの豪華なロリータ系のドレスには他のブランドにはないデザインのバリエーションがあります。その中には可愛らしい猫がデザインされたスカートやドレスもあって、猫好きの方は是非お見逃しなく!どんなドレスにも似合いそうなマッチングアクセサリーも販売されていましたので新しコーデは作ってみませんか?
Gorgeous lolita style dresses of Heavenly Garden have a various designs with design variations you can not find in any other brand. Among them are different patterns with cats on it so attention to all at lovers not to miss and important piece of cloth to their collection! Aside skirts and dresses various matching accessories are also in sale to create one’s new prefect coordinate for the future events.
Melody BasKetさんは普段は通販限定で販売をやられていますが、デザインフェスタ用に特別な可愛いブースを作り上げました!甘ロリータ系の好きな方もクラシックロリータ系が好きな方も、きっとお気に入りのワンピースが見つかると思います。これから初めてロリータに挑戦してみたい方にもとっても着安いブランドだと思います!
You can’t usually buy Melody BasKet dresses anyway beside online-shop but only for today’s Design Festa they decided to open a cute booth for everyone to pay a visit and have a look on all the dresses and accessories. Both sweet lolita lovers and classic lolita lovers will be able to find some appealing pieces to renew their closet and those, who always wanted to try lolita style can start with Melody BasKet dress for a simple but cute coordinate.
When I passed near this booth it was so beautiful I couldn’t take my eyes from it. The thing Youshi creates is not fashion or illustrations but a beautiful dolls. Aside from mysterious, almost living dolls different accessories and tote bags were presented at their booth. Those, who love beautiful mysterious things might return home with some new items, or, maybe, a new friend..?
写真とレポート: くろのまり
Thank you so much for for reading the whole report! Those who haven’t been to Design Festa yet – I wonder if reading this made up your mind to take part next time? No matter if you come alone or with your family and friends – this event is definitely to be annoyed by anyone!
Let’s meet on the next Design Festa!
Report and photos: Kurono Mari
Design Festa homepage:

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