渋谷PARCOブランドオープン大特集!三つの大人気ブランド:Angelic Pretty渋谷店、Emily Temple Cute、LAND by MILKBOYショップレポート⭐︎
2019年11月24日更新レポート:くろの まり
Reporter: Kurono Mari
2016年から休館していた渋谷PARCOが11月22日(金)についにグランドオープン。地下1階から10階までの193のカフェやショップが出店します。ブランドSHOPやレストランはもちろんライブハウス、映画館(ミニシアター)、劇場などもあります。[FASHION], [ART&CULTURE], [ENTERTAINMENT], [FOOD], [TECHNOLOGY] の5本の柱で構成されて誰でも楽しめる場所になりました。早速渋谷PARCOを探索してみましょう!
PARCO Shibuya shopping mall, which was closed for re-construction in 2016 finally had it’s Grand Re-Opening on 22nd of November. 11 floors, including basement with a total of 193 shops and restaurants PARCO is definitely to become one of the most popular shopping spots of the fashionable city of Shibuya. Of course it’s not only about shopping – inside you can find mini-cinema, various exhibition halls, live house and even a small theater hall! The whole shopping mall was created was on 5 concepts united together – [FASHION], [ART&CULTURE], [ENTERTAINMENT], [FOOD] and [TECHNOLOGY]. So let’s not waste any more time and take a peek inside PARCO Shibuya!
渋谷PARCOの地下1階にはカフェや居酒屋さんが並んでいて、ここは新宿ゴールデン街をイメージして作られた空間だそうです。その上の1階から4階まで「GUCCI」や「THOM BROWNE」の世界的に有名なブランド店が並んでいて、まさにオシャレな渋谷そのものです。5階では「Angelic Pretty」や「Cand Stripper」が出店していて、ちょっとした原宿にも見えます。東京にあるこの三つの個性豊かな街の雰囲気が、同時に楽しめるのは渋谷PARCOでしかできない経験だと思います。
In fact the basement floor of PARCO Shibuya with a lot of various restaurants and bars was created with an idea to re-create the atmosphere of the famous Shinjuku Golden Gai. From the 1st floor up the 4th worldwide famous brands such as 「GUCCI」and「THOM BROWNE」had their shops opened inside making this floor represent modern and fashionable city of Shibuya itself. And on the 5th floor with 「Angelic Pretty」,「Candy Stripper」as well as many other famous street fashion brands’ shops lining to each other you can feel yourself on Harajuku. Being able to feel the atmosphere of these completely different unique districts in one place is definitely an experience you can get nowhere beside Shibuya PARCO mall.
Of course its not only about fashion – various stores such as newly opened Pokemon Center Shibuya are waiting for all lovers of anime, games and other aspects of modern Japanese culture on the 6th floor. The first Nintendo Store is also out there making it the place where people from all over the world would enjoy shopping and spending time with family and friends. By the way AI information center inside PARCO is available in different languages so foreign guests don’t have to worry about getting lost even if they don’t speak Japanese language.
また、新PARCO渋谷のもう一つの特徴は、様々なギャラリースペースがあることです。4階のPARCO MUSEUM TOKYO でもB1Fの GALLERY Xでも、これからお客さんを楽しませるエキサイティングな展示会が企画されていきます。ちなみに、オープンから12月8日まではAKIRA ART OF WALL Katsuhiro Otomo x Kosuke Kawamura AKIRA ART EXHIBITIONが開催されています。この2年間、工事中の渋谷パルコの外で展示されていたART WALLのコラージュや、生原稿も展示されています。AKIRAなりきりフォトスポットもありますのでファンの方は見逃せませんね。
One more unique feature about PARCO Shibuya are several gallery spaces inside. Inside PARCO MUSEUM TOKYO on the 4th floor as well as GALLERY X ob the B1F various exciting exhibitions are planned to be held from now on. By the way AKIRA ART OF WALL Katsuhiro Otomo x Kosuke Kawamura AKIRA ART EXHIBITION is being held since opening until 12th of December. Inside you can find collages of ART WALL that were displayed outside of construction site of Shibuya PARCO before for two years as well as rough pages of manga and other things. AKIRA throne where you can seat by yourself is also there so if you’re an AKIRA fan or manga fan in general be sure not to miss this one!
新しいAngelic Pretty渋谷店は、今までどこにもなかったような豪華なインテリアで、王室の雰囲気をお届けしています。もちろん、お店の素敵なインテリアだけではなく、グランドオープンを記念して、特別なプレゼントやキャンペーンも開催されています。その中にはHoly Rosaryシリーズの特別限定カラーのドレスの予約販売もありますし、さまざまなノベルティプレゼントがこれからも登場するそうです!
The new Angelic Pretty Shibuya store welcomes everyone with its gorgeous interior giving the shop unique royal atmosphere. Of course not only the look of the shop is special – a lot of presents and campaigns are being held to commemorate the grand opening. Special limited colored dress of the Holy Rosary series is also one of them as well as different novelty presents to everyone sho comes to shop within opening days!
Angelic Pretty渋谷店は「Lavender Label」がテーマで、渋谷店限定のラベンダーカラーのアクセサリーが用意されています。美しくキラキラ輝く可愛くて豪華な宝石たちを、どれも手に入れたくなってしまうでしょう?
Angelic Pretty Shibuya Store was 「Lavender Label」set as this store’s theme making lavender a special Shibuya limited color.Of course special lavender accessories are being prepared as well. Cute and gorgeous with beautiful sparkling jewels – such a temptation not to buy each and every of them, right?
And there’s more – in Shibuya store limited tea sets that you could only get as a novelty items are now on sale! It’s a perfect chance to chose your own perfect tea cup and plate set and create a small tea party at home!
ぜひAngelic Pretty渋谷店まで行ってみてください!
Be sure to say a visit to Angelic Pretty Shibuya while you’re in Parco!
「Angelic Pretty渋谷店」
渋谷PARCOでもう一つ訪ねたいお店はEmily Temple Cuteですよね。入り口近くの回転ディスプレイには。「ONE Stage」シリーズの赤い新作ドレスが飾られていました。とても広くてピカピカのPARCO新店舗では、新作と共に前のシリーズのドレスもきれいに並んでいて、あなたにぴったりのドレスを楽しみながら見つけることができるでしょう。
Another beautiful store to pay a visit to is definitely Emily Temple Cute PARCO branch. On the spinning display near the entrance a new dress from 「ONE Stage」series in red color is being displayed. Creates with a little of old style touch all dresses are neatly displayed making it easy to find the perfect one for you.
Of course everyone’s favorite accessory corner is also there with tons of cute rings and necklaces to chose from! Winter is coming in several days as well so why not to make your outfit cuter with fluffy berets and pink gloves?
可愛くなりたい!って思ってた方はぜひEmily Temple Cuteまでお越しください!
Those who have been thinking of wearing cute clothes be sure to pay a visit to the new Shibuya store of Emily Temple Cute as well!
「Emily Temple Cute渋谷店」
「MILK」のメンズライン「LAND by MILKBOY」もPARCO渋谷5階に新店舗をオープンしました。オシャレでジェンダーレスのお洋服やアクセサリーが有名なこのブランドは、今回世界的に有名な映画「キャスパー」とコラボレーションをしました。新作の中で大好きなキャスパーくんと一緒にどこでも出かけられるショルダーバッグやネックレスなど、ここでしか手に入らない特別なアイテムがたくさん用意されています!
「LAND by MILKBOY」of the famous 「MILK」brand is having their brand new store on the 5th floor of PARCO as well! This brand which is famous for fashionable genderless clothes and accessories is doing collaboration with famous Caspar the ghost! With items from the new collection you can now travel around together with little Caspar on your bag or as a small necklace on your neck. Of course aside of Caspar collection a lot of other special items are prepared as well.
もちろん、コラボレーション以外でも、みんなが大好きなMILK BOYのNEVER SAY NEVERシリーズのパーカーは、まだお持ちでない方ために揃ってます。そして渋谷店限定のレインボーのもふもふBEAR COATは、この冬のおしゃれには、絶対外せないアイテムです!フードの可愛いいクマの耳は、この冬の一番オシャレなコーデになると思いませんか?
Everyone’s favorite classical NEVER SAY NEVER series MILK BOY parka is also there in case you haven’t got your own yet. And of course Shibuya limited rainbow fluffy BEAR COAT which is definitely a necessary item for any fashionista this winter. Little bear ears on the hood will make your winter coordinate cute when the coat can keep you warm from cold winter wind – don’t you think it is a perfect item for any occasion?
オープンキャンペーン中に税込20,000円以上のお買い上げでグリーンとパープルのかっこいいショッパーバッグをプレゼント!なくなり次第終了なので早くLAND by MILKBOYまで遊びに来てくださいね!
As an opening campaign a cool shopping bag in two color variations will be presented upon purchase of 20,000 yen so hurry up to LAND by MILKBOY!

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