第10回 BABY本社主催お茶会に行ってきました!スペシャルゲストスナップとインタビュー♡
2019年10月30日更新10月22日帝国ホテルに第10回BABY本社主催お茶会が開催されました。2011年から続いているこの「BABY,THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT」と「ALICE and the PIRATES」のお茶会の記念すべき第10回のテーマは、今までの思い出を込めてみんなの心が響き合うように「響き合う想いと巡り逢う乙女たちのMélodie~Belle Harmonie~」がタイトルになりました。当日のプログラムは、もちろん豪華な食事だけじゃなくて、ファッションショーからデザイナーさんとモデルさんのトークショーまで、この場でしか見られない特別なプログラムが準備されました。帝国ホテルの豪華な会場は、魔法にかかっった夢の世界のような空間となりました。チケットが発売開始から一瞬で完売になったことは、当然ですね。
On the 22 of October BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT and ALICE and the PIRATES brand 10th official tea party took place in Tokyo Imperial Hotel. “Mélodie~Belle Harmonie~ of resonating memories and the meeting of maidens” was the title of commemorative event this time as recalling past memories over almost 10 years of everyone’s favorite brand was one of the main theme of the tea party. Of course despite the name today’s program didn’t include only drinking tea and eating sweets – fashion show with both old pieces and new collection, special quests, contests and the talk show of designers themselves was in the schedule for today’s evening! Considering that beautiful luxurious Tokyo Imperial Hotel was the place for an event the atmosphere reminded of a castle from fantasy world.
Among today’s guest models were AKIRA, yurisa, artist Airi Hasegawa, idol Inoue Rei, cosplayer Enako, musical actor Rio Uehara and special guest voice actress and artist Uesaka Sumire as well as many other famous models.
And of course designers for both BABY and PIRATES brands themselves were at the event too.
This time a special guest for the tea party – voice actress and artist Uesaka Sumire didn’t only appeared on the runway but also prepared a special talk show for all the guests. She loves lolita fashion a lot and is usually seen wearing lolita pieces for her own concerts and events as well as in private life. When asked about favorite points of the brand Sumire told us she loved lolita fashion since her school years and been wearing BABY’s dresses a lot while going out – comparing to old times the fabric used to make dresses now is much lighter and no matter how long you wear it no wrinkles appear on clothes which makes them easier to wear. For today’s fashion show she is wearing a gorgeous white coordinate similar to a wedding dress. By the way Sumire told us her favorite point of today’s look were gloves made from thin beautiful lace. She couldn’t participate in tea parties for a while so she was waiting for this day a lot promising us today’s fashion show would be spectacular.
There is one more special thing announced at her personal talk show – together with BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT brand Uesaka Sumire would be releasing a special visual book of the new collection! During one day photo shoot more than 10 different coordinates were shot and each of them was unique and beautiful. The release of the visual book would be next month so not much time left to wait until we can take a look at these gorgeous photos as well.
KERAとロリータファッションを愛する人は、この人を知らないことはないでしょう。 AKIRAさんは、10年以上にわたってトップモデルとして活躍されていますが、ALICEとPiratesブランドでも主要モデルの一人です。 彼女はPiratesの新しいコレクションアイテムを代表して、今日のファッションショーに参加しました。 AKIRAさんにとって、今日のコーディネートのお気に入りのポイントは、ストライプな部分がポイントのポップな感じだそうです。 王子スタイルのファッションが大好きなAKIRAさんは、Piratesの王子ファッションは特にゴージャスで、いつも着るときはワクワクすると教えてくれました。 また最後にAKIRAさんは、、ロリータファッションをまだ着たことない方は、勇気を出して「是非着てみてください!」とメッセージをくれました。
Those who love KERA and lolita fashion couldn’t possibly not to know this person. AKIRA has been on model scene for more than 10 years being one of the main models for ALICE and the Pirates brand as well. Of course she will take part on today’s fashion show as well representing Pirates new collection items. For AKIRA favorite point of todays coordinate was the pop look which is given with the help of stripe parts. AKIRA who wear ouji style fashion a lot mentioned, that Pirates ouji (prince) clothes are especially gorgeous and wearing them gives an exciting feeling. AKIRA also encouraged everyone who adores lolita fashion and yet hasn’t tried it yet – “You should definitely try wearing it at least once” told the model.
Cosplayer Enako was among guest models this time as well. Being a famous cosplayer in and outside Japan Enako also does modeling works for many famous lolita brands including BABY. For her BABY’s dresses charming point is being both cute and simple – which makes them easy to wear on different occasions.
For idol Inoue Rei from Kobushi Factory idol group today’s tea party was the first in her life. She told us clothes that she usually wears are a little bit different so trying Lolita fashion for the first time helped to find a her new self. Especially BABY’s dresses with excessive amount of beautiful frills, laces and ribbons can help every girl to reveal her maiden self as well. The cutest point of today’s outfit for Rei was the laces around her neck which she told us was a very charming point in a coordinate. We hope that today’s tea party was not her last one to take part in and we will be able to see more beautiful Lolita coordinates from her in the future too!
Fashion show was about to start so today’s models needed to make their preparations. And spectacular fashion show covering all outfits of BABY and PIRATES brands from old pieces to new collection that is yet to be released had started. With the help of beautiful models walking on a runway it became a glorious fashion show that is impossible to forget.
In the next report we will cover the interview with designers themselves as well as some beautiful snaps of princes and princesses who came to the tea party that evening so be sure not to miss it!
レポーター: くろの まり
Report: Kurono Mari

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