KERA Backstage Report + Interviews! KERA撮影セッション・バックステージレポート+インタビュー!(from Tokyo、東京からお届けします!)
2019年7月7日更新KERA Backstage Report + Interviews!
By Liv Lotte (@livlotte)
Heyhey, everyone!
Recently I was invited to join another of the monthly KERA photo sessions in Tokyo. Every month, brands affiliated with KERA Style lend out some of their newest fashion coordinates to be worn by a KERA model during the next photo session. The studio is packed with pretty clothes and all staff is working hard to get the models changed into their different outfits scheduled for the day. Although it’s definitely a well-organized professional event, the overall atmosphere is very friendly and positive, with plenty of room to chat and have fun as well!
The staff team includes multiple editors who watch over the entire shoot and approve final results, stylists who make sure all the looks are on point, a makeup artist and a photographer. The models come in and leave the studio in different time slots, getting changed into up to four different outfits a day.
Makeup artist Namiki-san (@kurasystem) always does a great job and is super easy to talk to. He knows exactly what hair and makeup styles suit each individual model best and makes sure to match every different coordinate perfectly.
Model’s Q&A: ‘How did you start modeling for KERA?’
To make today’s report a little more interesting, I thought it would be fun to do a mini interview with some of the models I met. Keep reading if you’re curious to know about the different ways they started out working for KERA Style!
Sakurako-san (@sakurakohoshina) is one of the girls I had met before, as she models for KERA quite regularly. She used to hang out at Harajuku and wear Lolita and Punk fashion with her friends. One day she went to one of the KERA snap opportunities and she got scouted by the staff. She has been working as a model for them since!
Next up is Mari-san (@kurono.mari)! She is originally from Ukraine and she came to Tokyo to study Illustration. A little while ago, she entered a modeling competition for the brand Drug Honey on Instagram and she got the first place! After starting to model for Drug Honey, KERA invited her to one of their photo sessions as well. This was actually her first time attending, but I’m already looking forward to seeing more from her in the future!
その次はマリさん(@kurono.mari)! 彼女は元々ウクライナ出身で、イラストを勉強しに東京に来たそうです。ちょっと前に、インスタグラムで行われたDrug Honeyのモデルコンテストにエントリーし、そこで彼女は優勝しちゃったの! Drug Honeyでモデルとして働き始めたところを、KERAが自分たちの写真撮影に招いてくれたんですって。だから、今回が彼女にとってもKERAでの最初の撮影会。でも、私はすでに今から彼女が将来見せてくれる写真が楽しみです!
It was the first photo session for Riru-san (@kuwana_riru) too. Riru is from Osaka and auditioned for an idol group about two years ago. Once she made it through the audition, she moved to Tokyo to start performing singing and dancing as an idol. She regularly performs in Akihabara and now started doing modeling as well. It’s not uncommon for KERA to invite Japanese idols to model for them, so she fits right in!
Okay, so that’s it for today! I hope you learned some new things and maybe you got inspired by some of the models’ stories. I always enjoy working with KERA a lot and I hope to be back with some new stories soon!
OK、今日はここまでね! 新しいことを知ってもらったり、モデルの彼女たちの話が刺激になってくれたらうれしいです。KERAとの仕事はいつもとても楽しく、また新しいストーリーをもって戻ってきますね。
Thank you for reading and greetings from Tokyo!
ここまで読んでくれ、ありがとう! 東京から、またこの次まで!

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