Express yourself, don’t repress yourself 抑えることなく、自分自身を表現しましょう!(from Chile, チリからお届けします!)
2019年3月28日更新Express yourself, don’t repress yourself 抑えることなく、自分自身を表現しようよ!
In this article, KERA Editorial is proudly introducing a fashion photographer it found in Harajuku. Her name is Ms LORETO ORTEGA, and she is from Chile. She is sharing the photos that she has taken in her home country and Japan, talking about her background and what she wants to share with us most now. Her photos are capturing those street fashionistas realistically and artistically at the same time, from which you cannot take your eyes off, for sure!
今回はケラ!編集部が原宿で出会った、チリ出身のファッションフォトグラファー・Loreto Ortega(ロレート・オルテガ)が寄稿! チリと日本で撮影された作品を中心に、Loreto自身のバックグラウンドや、彼女がいまいちばん伝えたいことをお届けします。
Photographs and text by Loreto Ortega
3D art by Mariteiei
“I start to know about the Japanese culture since my dad came to Japan on 1993 when he was really young, he led a lot of souvenirs to my house and show me a lot of things about anime and I start to like that quickly. In my country, you can watch the anime shows on tv and my love for that just start to grow more and more. Years later when I was a teenager I started to listen to visual-kei music and my interesting become bigger when I know about the different styles of fashion they have. I always liked the way they dressed, the clothes they used and that’s the way that I learn about other types of
fashion from Japan, all the Harajuku fashion and why they dressed as that and I loved it because they talk all the time about being yourself and show everyone your creativity.
I started to study photography in 2010 and I do for four years in Arcos Art Institute from Chile. In the last year of my career, I decided, with the support of one of my teachers, to make a project about the “Otaku culture” and “Harajuku Fashion” in my country. I took pictures in the bedrooms of different people that I contact by Facebook and they invite me to their houses to meet them more and show me how they live. Was an interesting experience because I loved to meet people who share the same tastes as me on this. That’s the way that I presented to my teachers a book for my final examination and was called
“Identidad Made in Japan” (Identity made in Japan) and have a lot of people who like to watch anime, make cosplay and another chapter for the Harajuku fashion.
All my teachers were amazed by this new ways to dressing and they really wanted to know more about this topic because in my country is difficult to meet people who like this styles and used without feeling ashamed. In my country, there’s not the same kind of tolerance that Japanese culture has. If you dressed differently, people are mean and disrespectful with you. Sometimes when I go out dressed in my Harajuku fashion style there are people who told I looked ridiculous but I really don’t care because what is the most important for me is being myself no matter what.
私が写真を勉強しだしたのは、2010年。チリのアルコス・アート・インスティチュートで4年間学びました。その最後の年、教授たちの力も借りて、私は自分の国における「オタク文化」と「原宿ファッション」というプロジェクトを立ち上げました。Facebookで知り合った人たちと連絡を取り、彼らを寝室で写真に撮るというもので、彼らは私は自分の家に招き入れ、どうやって暮らしているかを見せてくれました。それはとても楽しい経験で、同じような趣味を持っている人たちに数多く会えることがうれしかった。そういった写真を本にまとめ、最終試験として教授に提出しました。その論文は「Identity made in Japan(メイド・イン・ジャパンとしてのアイデンティティ)と題名をつけ、アニメを見るのが大好きな人々やコスプレ好き、原宿ファッションのもうひとつの側面をとらえた作品になりました。
Since I graduate from my institute I started to work as a freelance and making my own style of photography, I like to show that there’s not an established way to used fashion, that’s why I’m so interested in Harajuku fashion because this fashion don’t talk always about the brands you use, or the way you have to wear it or the shape of body you have, it’s about being creative and being comfortable with yourself in the way you want to show it. I think this kind of fashion is the coolest one because don’t have standards and that’s really important on this time, want to be free and expressed who you are in the way you want to.
My entire life dream is to show everyone my pictures, not to be famous photographer or having a lots of money, it’s because I want to inspire the people even if they
are elders or children, or the country they are from, I want to inspire everyone to encourage to be the way they are, to know there’s people everywhere around the world
who wants to know who they are and how interesting they are being themselves”
Profile & Information
Loreto Ortega(ロレート・オルテガ)
2019年3月29日(金)~4月28日(日)まで香港のParallel Space Galleryで開催される写真展「#Photographer」に出展。6月には“原宿”をテーマに、母国チリにて写真展「CICLO MIGO 2019」を開催予定。
A Chile-based Fashion Photographer who actively goes nation to nation worldwide. She produces her photos to seek and explore self-expression of people buy clothes and how they dress with “Harajuku Fashion” as their theme. She will be joining the photo event called “#Photographer”, held at Parallel Space Gallery in Hong Kong, starting from March 29th to April 28th, 2019. She is also planning to have her own photo exhibition called “CICLO MIGO 2019” in her country Chile.
詳しくはLoreto Ortega のInstagram&Facebookをチェック!
For more details, please check:
CICLO MIGO 2019¬if_id=1553180299937948

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