La Corte de la Reina: Rococo Extravaganza クイーンの宮廷:ロココの狂想曲(from Mexico, メキシコからお届けします!)
2019年2月20日更新La Corte de la Reina: Rococo Extravaganza
Reported by Chai Latte
Photos by
The year 2018 began early for planners in charge of this event, Rose and Luna, in February when they announced they would be hosting a Lolita event in December, in a beautiful hacienda in Chautla, Puebla. The buzz was amazing, and I am proud to say I am one of the first few who bought the tickets as soon as they came out. The theme was fantastic: a court, pulling inspiration from royalty, rebels and jokers alike in order to create coords that could benefit from the stunning sights.
Days and months flew by until it was the promised date, and lolitas and boystylers from all over the country traveled to host city Puebla some a few days in advance, and some closer to the date of the event. Saturday had an open tour around the city which I didn’t attend because I was busy finishing my handmade halo headdress, but those who attended got to visit touristic locations downtown of Puebla, such as a full gold chapel, many museums and churches and delicious restaurants. My personal favorite was a library, called Biblioteca Palafoxiana, which is one of the most gorgeous places I have ever seen.
約束の日まで月日は飛ぶように過ぎていき、ロリータファッション愛好家やボーイスタイラーたちが、その日を前に主催地プエブラに向かって全国から集まりだし、それはイベント当日まで続いた。土曜日はオープン参加の市内観光、これには私は参加していない。なぜなら自分のハンドメイドのヘッドドレスを仕上げるのに忙しかったからだ。でも、参加した人たちは黄金のチャペルや博物館、教会やレストランなどプエブラのダウンタウン、観光地を見て回った。私の個人的なお気に入りは、Biblioteca Palafoxianaと呼ばれる図書館で、これまで私が見た中でも最もゴージャスな建造物のひとつだ。
The evening finished in many little groups who chose to go out drinking or to dinner, after taking a traditional liqueur called “Pasita” (raisin in Spanish), made of, you guessed it, raisin.
Some even headed back to the hotel early, specially those of us who were going to model for the local brands that were due for the runway at the main event.
Sunday started early, with the attendees taking vans and buses to the location of the teaparty, that was about an hour away. The location at Chautla was was beautiful as advertised but the sharing of the place with a horde of curious and disrespectful tourists was uncomfortable at the very least. I admit it wasn’t the organizers fault, since the people who rented the place promised a few things that didn’t deliver, but still it did not tarnish our arrival and the elegance of the place.
We sat in tables at the garden, with friends from around the country. I was especially happy to see Yareni and Moemi at my table, friends I met when I went to Animex and Le Masquerade, along with many familiar faces from CDMX, Puebla, León and many more.
The evening began with a series of fun games which included Disney Karaoke, a Lolita Rap showdown, and a few others while we waited for the food to be served.
The food was delicious, with both mixed and vegan options for the guests, unfortunately the kitchen was very far from where we were sat so it was cold and the flavors couldn’t be appreciated properly.
In the interlude between the meal and the fashion show, we had many illustrators and vendors showing off their beautiful work, among them was Fredja, our local beloved shoe brand, Puppets, headliner for the fashion show with her new collection and beautiful Saku, whose art is one of my favorites.
I have to admit I was disappointed in the changes in schedule, since I was on for both the runway and the best coord pageant and my halo didn’t allow removal but I tried to make it work as best I could.
The runway featured looks by local brands, Atelier Dulcinea, Puppets, Enchanted, Teodora, Pinkutomidori, Mandy Black and Bara no Yami, with varied and interesting looks featuring sweet, classic and gothic inspiration and their own distinctive style represented by the many volunteer models at the event.
ランウェイには地元のブランドが取り上げられて、Atelier DulcineaやPuppets、Enchanted、Teodora、Pinkutomidori、Mandy Black、そしてBara no Yamiが、スイートやクラシック、ゴシックから影響を受けた色々興味深いスタイル、そしてそれぞれ独自のスタイルを披露していました。モデルはイベントに参加した人の中からボランティアがたくさん出てくれました。
The evening concluded with the big contests, best team coord, best crown and best solo coord. There were many astounding candidates, the best team sweepingly won by Mia and Ángel, wearing a matching Narnia inspired outfits representing Aslan and the White Witch, best crown won by Mina whose dress and accessories inspired by Anastasia the Russian princess made more than one girl among the crowd sigh and finally the best coord which was won by Ivette with a full goth outfit, second spot by Delly who sported a steampunk outfit and myself in the third place, personifying a saint guardian of the Queen.
Overall, the event was very good since it was held by two girls who had never organized one before. It did have a few things that made it less perfect but must of them were out of their hands and were dealt as best as possible. It is evident they put a lot of work and passion in La Corte de la Reina, for which I thank them immensely. I encourage these two brave girls to try again somewhere else and continue to perfect their event, whose soul was the over a hundred attendees who met and reunited there.
Thank you for bearing with me for such a long article! Feel free to contact me at any of my social media accounts:
長い記事を最後まで読んでくれて、ありがとうございます! 私のSNSアカウントで気軽に連絡をして来てください。
And see you next time!

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