BK Gothic & Lolita 欧羅巴訪問記 第2回 ロシア モスクワ パート2 Gothic & Lolita festival 9/29-30 Journal of BK Gothic & Lolita’s Visits to Europe Round 2: Moscow, Russia Part 2(from Moscow, Russia, モスクワからお届けします!)
2018年11月27日更新BK Gothic & Lolita 欧羅巴訪問記
第2回 ロシア モスクワ Gothic & Lolita festival 9/29-30 パート2
Journal of BK Gothic & Lolita’s Visits to Europe
Round 2: Moscow, Russia, Gothic & Lolita Festival. September 29/30 Part 2
カメラマン:Dmitry Novosyolov, Sergey Peresvet, Alexander Plonskiy, and BABI
Reported by BABI,
Photographs: Dmitry Novosyolov, Sergey Peresvet, Alexander Plonskiy & BABI
今回はBK Gothic & Lolita 欧羅巴訪問記、ロシア モスクワ Gothic & Lolita festivalのパート2をお送りします。パート1も併せてお楽しみください。
I am reporting Part 2 of the Journal of BK Gothic & Lolita’s Visits to Europe, Moscow, Russia, Gothic & Lolita Festival. Please enjoy this report and also read Part 1 together with this!
●ゲストブランド(Metamorphose temps de fille/Triple*fortune)に熱意のまなざし
●Japanese Guest brands Metamorphose temps de fille / Triple*fortune receives passionate interest
ゲストブランドであるMetamorphose temps de fille(以下メタモルフォーゼ)とTriple*fortuneはそれぞれ別の時間にファッションショーを行いました。
The two Japanese Guest brands, Metamorphose temps de fille (hereafter referred to as Metamorphose) and Triple*fortune put on their respective fashion shows at a different time slot.
First there was a fashion show by Metamorphose showcasing their new offerings and past favorites, followed by a Q&A talk show with Metamorphose’s “playing manager” Shizuka
To the question “With Metamorphose reaching its 30th anniversary, what changes is the brand experiencing?” Shizuka vibrantly replied that “Our six designers and staff have always evolved taking in customer’s opinions so the craftsmanship of Metamorphose has never really changed in that sense.”
11 メタモルフォーゼファッションショー Metamorphose fashion show
Full of Kawaii dresses, the fashion show by Metamorphose received intense attention from the audience.
12 メタモルQ&A Metamorphose Q&A Time
For the Q&A talk show, “Playing manager” of the brand Shizuka-san got on stage!
For BABI and Kaie, the Q&A came before our fashion show. We felt that we received questions with deeper content than the last year when we first came to Russia.
We received questions such as “What do you think is the major difference of Gothic & Lolita fashion lovers compared to those in Japan?” or “Having visited many countries, how different do you think Russian Gothic & Lolita is compared to other countries?”
To those questions, we replied that “Originality in terms of how to coordinate one’s fashion is quite the same as in Japan, but there might be some difference especially in way pieces are layered, in comparison to, say, Lolitas in Hokkaido, Japan. The climate might be a factor here, as Lolitas in Russia do tend to display rather a different style of coordination or sense for color. All are wonderful in their respective originality.”
Talk shows like this are always great because the audience is attentive and eager to hear what we have to say. We will keep on conveying new information everywhere!
13 BK Q&A
We received lots of enthusiastic questions for the Q&A time of BK.
Triple*fortuneのファッションショーはステージプログラムのスキットコンテストの受賞者の発表の前に行われました。今回はフィンランドのイベント(レポート1回目を参照下さい)と同じようにBrideco方式でショーを披露。Brilliant KingdomとしてBABIとKaieが歌い、その歌の世界観の中でファッションショーを見せる形式はロシアでも大好評でした。ショーの後も感動したと感想を言いに来てくれる参加者さん達が大勢いて嬉しかったです。
The fashion show of Triple*fortune was put on before the winners of the Skit contest were announced. As was the case in Finland (See Part 1of our report), we offered the show in Brideco style, with BABA and Kaie singing songs and the fashion show taking place within the world of the songs. This style was well-received in Russia as well, and we were very happy to have many people approaching us after the show to tell us how much they were impressed.
14 ブリデコショー Brideco show
*Having a Tea Party at “Café Tchaikovsky”
The second day of the event featured a tea party using the Ball Room of Moscow’s Café Tchaikovsky. Located next to the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, this café is very popular among the art-loving Moscovites.
At tea parties held overseas, not just tea and sweets but food and spirits too are often offered as well. At this event in Russia, we were offered buffet style snacks which seemed to us quite enough to constitute a full dinner.
15 お茶会のテーブル Tea Party table
16 お料理 The food
Food such as Salmon canapé and salmon roe pie, they were all delicious!
On this day’s event, most of the participating Princesses & Princes chose to go for an elegant fashion style, in comparison to the day before which featured lots of in-character type fashion. But we were impressed to see a lot of gorgeous headdresses, many of them self-made! At tea parties where most of the time is spent sitting and facing each other, it goes with a reason that emphasis on the headdresses is common in any country.
We also had a lottery and a coordination prize award selection time, the wonderful tea party of ladies and gentlemen was really enjoyable from the start to the very end!
17 セルフィー Selfie
Fun selfie taken by BK
<お知らせ Notice>
Gothic & Lolita festival
主催 マリアFB@Katou Noir / ポリーナFB@Polina Queen
Gothic & Lolita festival
Hosted by Maria: FB@Katou Noir / Polina: FB@Polina Queen
(Russia Gothic & Lolita Brand)
Miss Danger (デザイナー マリア、ポリーナ) FB @missdangershop
Miss Danger (Designer: Maria, Polina) FB @missdangershop
(Guest Brand from Japan)
Metamorphose temps de fille https://www.metamorphose.gr.jp/
Twitter @ metamorofficial FB @metamorphose.temps.de.fille
Triple*fortune http://3-f.jp/
Kaie Twitter @triple4tune FB@ Kaie Tada
BABI Twitter @bk00bk FB Babi BrilliantKingdom
Brilliant Star☆デコレーションズhttp://brideco.jp/
2019.1.19 東京目白「椿山荘」にて開催決定!
Brilliant Star☆Decorations http://brideco.jp/
Will be hosted January 19th, 2019 at Chinzanso in Mejiro, Tokyo!
Popular Japanese brands and wonderful Gothic & Lolita brands form all over the world come together once again!
Many popular models and actors set to appear!
Details will be announced soon!
See You Again Soon!

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