BK Gothic & Lolita 欧羅巴訪問記 第1回 フィンランド ヘルシンキ Eternal Twilight Journal of BK Gothic & Lolita’s Visits to Europe Part 1: Helsinki, Finland: Eternal Twilight(from Helsinki, Finland、フィンランドはヘルシンキから)
2018年11月1日更新BK Gothic & Lolita 欧羅巴訪問記
第1回 フィンランド ヘルシンキ Eternal Twilight https://hellocon.fi/ 9/15-16
Journal of BK Gothic & Lolita’s Visits to Europe
Part 1: Helsinki, Finland: Eternal Twilight, https://hellocon.fi/, Sep. 15 – 16
レポート:BABI 撮影:Sanni, Lara Liekki &BABI (mana様関係はMoi-meme-Moitie提供)
Reported by BABI,
Photographed by Sanni, Lara Liekki & BABI
(Photographs of Mana provided by Moi-meme-Moitie)
こんにちは、海外や日本でゴシック&ロリータを主としたKawaii文化講演等を行っているBABIです。「BK Gothic & Lolita 欧羅巴訪問記」では、この秋にBABIとKaie(Triple*fortuneデザイナー)が一緒に招かれたヨーロッパ各国のゴシック&ロリータイベントを皆さんにご紹介します。また、併せてイベントの行われた街の様子にも少々触れたいと思います。いつもよりも長めの記事ですが、ぜひ最後まで観てくださいね♪
Hello, this is BABI, Kawaii Culture Evangelist, giving Kawaii Culture speaking sessions both in Japan and abroad. Under several separate occasions this fall, I was invited, together with Kaie (Triple*fortune’s Designer), to Gothic & Lolita events held in European countries and I am putting that experience into a series of articles called “Journal of BK Gothic & Lolita’s Visits to Europe” to share with you. I will also talk about the cities we visited on these trips. I would like to share everything I saw with you in this article, which is a little longer than my usual ones.
第1回目は、北欧、フィンランドのヘルシンキで行われた「Eternal Twilight」というイベントの様子をお届けします。
Part 1 will talk about the “Eternal Twilight” event held in Northern Europe, Helsinki, Finland!!
*Helsinki draws Lolita fashionistas from Northern and Eastern Europe
For many Japanese, Finland is the land where Santa Clause, Moomin and his friends live. And the Finnish apparel design company Marimekko, noted for their cute designs, is very popular in Japan, too. Many of us Japanese are fond of Finland because of these images that suggest a “ land of fantasy”.
We (BABI and Kaie) visited Finland for the first time last year, which changed our impression of this country quite a lot in many positive ways, and now we like this country better than ever!
The beautiful Neo-classical style Helsinki Cathedral (Helsingin tuomiokirkko). The tea party we were invited to was held near this cathedral. Helsinki is the northernmost large city facing the Bay of Finland
Helsinki, the Capital city of Finland is a terminal hub city connecting the North, East, and West of Europe that is very convenient for air travelers. Gothic & Lolita events held in Helsinki attract attendees from many countries including Northern Europe and Russia. Within the European Union, especially, it is rather easy to move across neighboring nations and visit a particular nation where these kinds of Gothic & Lolita events take place. For the Europeans, it must probably feel as easy as us Japanese traveling from Tokyo to Osaka!
今回のイベント「Eternal Twilight」には、日本から20周年を迎えたMoi-meme-Moitieが主賓として招かれ、なんとMana様も参加されました。
そしてTriple*fortuneのKaieとBABIは去年同じ主催者さんのイベントに参加して好評だったことから再び招待を受けました。私達もフィンランドは何度も訪れたい国! とても光栄でした。
*High-Percentage of Gothics and Classic Lolita fashionistas in attendance?
For this “Eternal Twilight” event, Moi-meme-Moitia, which has just celebrated its 20th anniversary, was invited as the guest of honor. It was so exciting because none other than Mana-sama himself was actually attending the event!
Kaie of Triple*fortune and me BABI were also invited to this event from Japan because our presentation at an event held in Finland by the same event-organizer was well received. Finland is definitely a country we would like to visit over and over again. We felt much honored.
This is how the venue looks. The tickets were sold-out, very exciting and lively show for sure!
The fashion show for this event was held at a great venue. The organizer used a renovated historical building in Finland. Many independent brands from all over Europe and of course from Finland had their own booth and exhibition pieces both inside the fashion show venue and adjoining rooms.
In those sales booths, we saw a fair amount of “Yume-Kawaii” and “Yami-Kawaii” that used bright and extravagant Unicorn colors, with others having mushrooms and forest trees as their design motif. However, those donning Gothic and Classic Lolita attire stood out in general.
We had heard that Classic Lolita boasts a high-percentage in Northern Europe, but since we had Mana-sama in attendance this time with us, there were clearly more Gothic Princesses and Princes donned in black and blue coordination this year.
Rose-Handover Event with Mana-sama. Those lucky attendees received a deep red rose directly from Mana-sama along with his portrait photo. Definitely a magical moment!
*Gorgeous Fashion Show, Q&A, Cultural lectures, and Gaming event: Nothing but fun!
The run-way itself was designed to form a Cross in line with the image of Moi-meme-Moitie. We had a fashion show featuring Finland’s indie brands and many other European brands, where I saw more of softer colors. With each brand showing a couple of pieces, and which went on changing one after another, which was for sure worth seeing. I saw some very new, flashy and amazing designs that are hardly seen in Japan.
Some of the brands showcased at this event will be participating in the “Buride co” which we will be held in Japan on January 19th, 2019 (please see the end of this report). Behold, Japanese Gothic & Lolita princesses and princes!!
Looking down from the upstairs, we could see that the runway was actually a big blue cross!
Triple*fortune showcased 4 pieces!
The pieces were featured heavily on Finland TV program!
BK and the Cameraman who was interviewed by a Finnish TV program!
Moi-meme-Moitie presented unbelievable 22 pieces including new pieces and some revivals of popular ones! Overwhelming!
Beside the Fashion Show, we had a Q&A session with mana-sama. As you might know, mana-sama does not speak out with his voice in most occasions. A special guest was secretly invited and it was Mr. Kamijo of Versailles who took up the stage and communicated mana-sama’s words to the audiences. As Visual Rock bands are popular in Northern Europe, the audience went crazy at this nice surprise.
This event also regularly features a cultural lecture, which is rarely seen in Japanese Gothic & Lolita events The audience eagerly listened to the lecture about “Analyzing what is ‘Yami-Kawaii’” at this event. I myself was intrigued by the lecture, as it tells as how our Japanese pop-culture is viewed from our international friends’ perspective.
We also had an interesting game-playing time with designers from popular Finnish fashion brands as well as Triple*fortune, which received a roar from the audience!
“Shakespeare’s Night” was the theme for the Tea Party.
On the following day, we had a Tea Party at a high-class restaurant which is very popular among Helsinki people. We rented the whole restaurant.
Though they might be called “Tea Party”, but outside Japan, they often come with nice meals. The attendees enjoyed not only sweets but also delicious food such as slices of salmon and ham at this event, too.
“Shakespeare’s Night” was the event theme.
Many of the attendees at this day’s event wore ensembles with the medieval atmosphere in comparison to the more Gothic-oriented fashions that were the norm the day before.
As Triple*fortune was the main guest this day, some of the princesses took the length to coordinate Triple*fortune pieces nicely to the Shakespearian theme so nicely, which was so touching to us!
The venue for the Tea Party was very large. Perfect for Classic Gothic & Lolita Princesses and Princes to get together!
Really tasty Northern Europe salmons
Though it was a Tea Party, the foods were gorgeous as well!
One of the Japanese staff, Miria, performed a Classical Japanese dance piece. She is going to take a test to get a diploma to be Natori (accredited Dance Master). Very impressive!
主賓がTriple*fortune/Brilliant Kingdom(BABIとKaieの音楽ユニット)でもあったのでBKの楽曲がBGMとして流れる中でのお茶会でした。実はシェイクスピアやゲーテなど西洋古典文学の言葉もたくさん入っているのがBKの楽曲なのですよ。日本語ですが。
As we (Triple*fortune/Brilliant Kingdom – Babi & Kaie’s Music Unit) were the main guest of honor at the event, our BK music was played as the BGM for this day’s Tea Party. Actually, BK songs feature many lines quoted from Western Classic Literature like Shakespeare and Goethe, though they are all in Japanese translation!!
We had an after-party at a traditional live house at night!
We had such an eventful schedule for two days out there.
One of the attendees said “This event is so special and we’ve got to play it out for the full weekend. I am doing my best to present my best fashion at this event!!”
It was a great honor for us BABI & Kaie as well to be given the great opportunity to perform live at one of the most famous live houses in Helsinki called “Gloria.” We performed our latest songs and did our live in Brideco style for the first time outside Japan. It is our style and we call it Brideco in which BABI & Kaie tell stories along with singing songs and also present a fashion show with it. It is a Fashion Musical in a way.
BK live in Brideco show style! First time ever to perform in this style outside Japan!
The full house even to upstairs seats, it was so exciting to perform our BK live, truly the best!
Hearing the great applause, our models were definitely moved and thrilled, too!
We think we succeeded in transporting all the Gothic & Lolita Princesses and Princes in the live house to our gorgeous World of Dreams!
Our activities were covered by some net articles and TV news in Finland.
Even if you do not understand Finnish, I am sure you can grasp the feeling of it!
それでは次回の「BK Gothic & Lolita 欧羅巴訪問記」をお楽しみに!
So then, let’s meet up again in the next “Journal of BK Gothic & Lolita’s Visits to Europe!”
Eternal Twilight https://hellocon.fi/
主催 トゥーリアFB@Tuu Lia / マリFB@Mari Tiainen
Cloudberry Lady (デザイナー トゥーリア) FB @CloudberryLady
Moi-meme-Moitie https://moi-meme-moitie.com/ Twitter @moitie_official
Triple*fortune http://3-f.jp/
Kaie Twitter @triple4tune FB@ Kaie Tada
BABI Twitter @bk00bk FB Babi BrilliantKingdom
Brilliant Star☆デコレーションズhttp://brideco.jp/
2019.1.19 東京目白「椿山荘」にて開催決定!

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