Mysterious Tea Party ミステリアスなティーパーティー (from Mexico メキシコからお届けします!)


Mysterious Tea Party

By Regina Morales (Chai Latte)

As Halloween drew near, my hometown Mexico City prepared for this year’s spookiest event: the Mysterious Tea Party organized by two communities: The Classic Tea Room and Society of Purr. Personally, I was very excited about the event, since I favor gothic lolita and am a very big fan of the theme behind it.


Around fifty lolitas and boystylers arrived at La Vie en Rose, a French cuisine restaurant with a cute facade as we waited for entry. The variety and creativity in everyone’s coordinates were really beautiful, we had plenty of witches, jack-o-lanterns, demons just to name a few, as well as sweet princesses, soldiers, and even Sherlock Holmes.
40人ほどのロリータファンとボーイスタイルの人たちがLa Vie en Roseというフレンチのレストランに集まりました。このレストランとても可愛いの。そしてみんなのコーデもバラエティがあってクリエイティブで、魔女もジャック・オー・ランタンも悪魔も可愛いプリセンスや兵士、そしてシャーロック・ホームズまで集まって、みんなとてもキレイ。

The venue had a very beautiful vintage feel, but was a little small for the gathered crowd. It had an unfortunately low ceiling causing a very hot climate throughout the evening, but it was a small issue. Every table had spooky decorations: candy and chocolate skulls, papel de china (a Mexican Day of the Dead classic, colorful paper cut in death-themed images) and candles. The restaurant was serving only us during the event, so the privacy of it was a nice addition, and the string music by Ensamble Romero Pauline really created an atmosphere.


After a brief introduction from the organizers, we proceeded to enjoy a french menu with a vegan option as well as some wine as we talked amongst ourselves. I was lucky to sit among my boyfriend and my best friends, Yuriko, Yessica and Brenda, who looked lovely, each dressed up as a witch, as Lydia from Beetlejuice and as a witch as well. The food was really great, the only thing that wasn’t as much was that it unfortunately took very long to get to our table. After closing the meal with a delicious chocolate cake, the first contest arrived: the Best Thematic Coordinate award.


I was very nervous since I was the first contestant. I put together an outfit inspired by fallen angel turned king of hell Lucifer, clad in red and black. We all explained our outfit briefly and the audience voted the top four best dressed: myself, Iréndira as a plague doctor, Brenda a witch and Mia as a Jack O Lantern. I was very honored to win the first prize: a sweet jsk given to the pool prize by Fiore di Neve, a great local shopping service run by Luna and I was happy to see Iréndira win second place, her coord was absolutely amazing.

Next off were a few activities, including a “Guess the print?” game and a lolita quiz, where prizes were given by the sponsors to the winners. I couldn’t see much of it since I was preparing for the fashion show along with the rest of the models. I overheard the second contest, of the best mask and was happy to see my favorite win (nombre de la ganadora), and my boyfriend taking home the second spot.

The big highlight of the night was the fashion show, composed by local clothing brands Pikutomidori, Dulcinea, Cats and Bunny and Vougish Dream and accompanied by shoe brands Enid Hallow and Fredja, each expressing very distinct personality in each article of clothing. I modeled a white gown inspired by Dracula’s Mina Harker by Iréndira’s brand Cats and Bunny, accompanied by matching boots by Fredja, and Ivette modeled a contrasting look in black and red accesorized with demon horns.

Overall I must say it was a good event, admiringly well organized for the little time the two communities behind it had for preparation. I would definitely consider a bigger place for the number of guests and would look for a spot with better ventilation, but otherwise it was a very enjoyable evening I hope to undoubtedly repeat sometime soon.




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