Secret Garden – V National Meeting (Brazil) 秘密の花園 - 第5回全国ミーティング(from Brazil、ブラジルからお届けします)
2017年11月10日更新Secret Garden – V National Meeting (Brazil)
秘密の花園 - 第5回全国ミーティング(ブラジル)
Report by Ana Carolina
レポーター: アナ・カロリーナ
On October 14 th it was held the Brazilian national Lolita meeting, which gathered lolitas from all over Brazil, from Rio Grande do Sul to Amazonas.
The event was in a historical mansion located in Sao Paulo, called “Mansao Hasbaya”. This mansion has some of its walls hand painted, and original furniture from the XIX century.
<photo credit: R. Hardt>
The theme of the event was “Secret Garden”. Many outfits were inspired by that theme, and we had many handmade outfits, as mine for example. The event was a success and now a group of lolitas from the state of Paraná are planning the next national meeting, which possibly will be held in Curitiba in 2018.
<photo credit: R. Hardt>
Main attractions
During the event, there were Brazilian indie stores selling Lolita and j-fashion products; an artist’s alley with beautiful and delicate Lolita drawings; a makeup workshop, and the fashion show, featuring Brazilian indie clothing brands. We had the honor to have as special guest the kawaii ambassador Misako Aoki.
<photo credit: R. Hardt>
<photo credit: Sariana Schmidt>
<photo credit: Annah Hel>
<photo credit: Leticia R da Silva>
<photo credit: Carolina Dias>
<photo credit: Carolina Martins>
Misako Aoki’s meet & greet
Before the event itself, the kawaii ambassador Misako Aoki hosted a meet & greet with few lolitas in a reserved place in Hasbaya Mansion. I had the opportunity to meet her and get an autographed copy of her book “Misako Doll”.
The last time Aoki came to Brazil was in 2009, divulgating the kawaii culture, but only now with the growth of the Brazilian lolita community the visit of the kawaii ambassador and president of the Japan Lolita Association was possible.

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