Dream Masquerade Carnival Report: Saturday ドリーム・マスカレード・カーニバル それは土曜に(from the UK, ロンドンからお届けします!)
2017年9月26日更新Dream Masquerade Carnival Report: Saturday
ドリーム・マスカレード・カーニバル それは土曜に(from the UK, ロンドンからお届けします!)
Written by Amy Lavender
Images by Emily Valentine Photography – www.emilyvalentine.online
レポート: エイミー・ラベンダー
写真: エミリー・ヴァレンタイン・フォトグラフィー
On the 26th of August Britain’s largest lolita community, the Tea Party Club, gathered at London’s Pall Mall to celebrate their 10th anniversary. Lolita’s from all around the world came together to create an extravagant event, supported by volunteers and indie brands.
Some of the main guests included Rose Marie Seoir, Triple Fortune, and Imai Kira.
The guest of honour was the lolita brand Angelic Pretty, who brought their own stall for the attendees to browse. They were joined by designers Maki & Asuka, shop manager Candy, and model Nakamura Risa.
この8月26日、英国で一番大きなロリータコミュニティ、ザ・ティー・パーティー・クラブがロンドンのポール・モールに一堂に会し、10周年のお祝いをしました。世界中からロリータたちが集まって、とてもすばらしいイベントにしてくれました。主な仕事はボランティアやインディー系のブランドがしてくれたんですよ。メインゲストには、ローズ・マリー・セオール、トリプル・フォーチュン、そして今井キラさんが。そして特別ゲストは、ロリータブランドのアンジェリックプリティ。彼らは参加者がいろいろ見ることができるブースも設けてくれました。デザイナーのMaki & Asuka、ショップマネージャーのキャンディ、そしてモデルの中村里砂さんも来てくれたんですよ。
This was shopping heaven for any lolita fashion fan! Lolita secondhand store Wunderwelt had a stall which was stuffed to the brim with frilly dresses and skirts. Each vendor had a stall displaying their original products, and there was a bring-and-buy where attendees could sell their own clothing.
There were all sorts of fun activities to do aside from shopping, including riding in a horse-drawn carriage! It matched the royal theme aesthetic of the venue perfectly. There was a food and alcohol stall for the attendees, which quickly became a favourite amongst the participants.
After everyone had gotten settled down, there was a Q&A with Angelic Pretty. Maki & Asuka answered all kinds of questions, and explained some of the secrets behind the legendary brand. They modelled some of Angelic Pretty’s latest prints, Bonbon Bunny and Halloween Treats.
みんなが席に着いた後は、アンジェリックプリティのMaki & AsukaさんによるQ&A。彼女たちはどんな質問にも答えてくれて、伝説のブランドの秘密の話まで披露してくれました。彼女たちの紹介でアンジェリックプリティの最新のプリント、「ボンボン・バニー」と「ハロウィーン・トリート」もモデルさんが着てくれて、披露されました。
After some more shopping time, the fashion show was begun! Each brand showed off their latest releases and newest prints. The adorable models represented brands from around the world, including indie brands. Some of the brands featured were Lady Sloth, Mossbadger, AntiQue Frills, Juliette et Justine, and Baroque alongside the guest brands.
買い物の時間の後は、ファッションショーの時間! それぞれのブランドが最新のリリースと新しいプリントを披露してくれました。とってもかわいいモデルさんたちが世界各地から集まったブランドを代表してくれました。その中には、ポーランドの「Lady Sloth」や、「Mossbadger」、フィンランドの「AntiQue Frills」、日本から「Juliette et Justine」そして韓国から「Baroque」なども来てくれました。
Later on, another fashion show representing 10 years of lolita fashion was held! To celebrate the Tea Party Club’s 10th year, Angelic Pretty brought along some of their most iconic prints from the last 10 years in a unique, nostalgic, fashion show.
Some of the iconic prints included Chocolate Chess, Cat’s Tea Party, Mercator Antique Shop, and more! At the end, Nakamura Risa stepped out wearing a glamorous new dress, adorned in flowers and a veil.
As the evening drew closer, there was a raffle where you could win prizes from the vendor brands, as well as some who were unable to attend. Each attendee was given a ticket upon entering, but winning a prize would be down to luck. The lucky winners received presents featuring a wide variety of genres – there was something for everyone!
To finish off the day, there was a group photo in the main hall. Guests, designers, staff, and attendees gathered to take a spectacular photo.
You can really tell just how popular lolita fashion has become around the world! Lolita’s flew from France, Spain, Russia, America, Canada, Japan, and even China, just to attend Dream Masquerade Carnival! It was wonderful to see everyone gathering from their love of fashion.
Following the main event was the Tea Party, but that’s for another report!♪

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