PhysicalDrop Tea party in Singapore フィジカルドロップのお茶会 - シンガポールからお届けします
2017年9月19日更新PhysicalDrop Teaparty in Singapore
フィジカルドロップのお茶会 - シンガポールからお届けします
Clothing designed by: Kuniko Kato- PhysicalDrop
Written by: Sabrina Tang (@tealmenagerie)
Photography: Hanae Studios (
Contributors: Gyul, Bunny Chan
Translator: Ms. Chie Tsurii
Special thanks: “HappyRori” Lolita Fashion Singapore Community
衣装デザイン: 加藤訓仁子 – PhysicalDrop
記事: サブリナ・タン(@tealmenagerie)
写真: はなえスタジオ(
協力: ギョウル、バニー・チャン
通訳: Chie Tsurii
特別協賛: 「ハッピーロリ」ロリータ・ファション・シンガポール・コミュニティ
Hello, my name is Sabrina (@tealmenagerie) and I’m a lolita from Singapore. Here is my report for the PhysicalDrop teaparty that was held in my city.
On 5th August 2017 a tea party was held for lolita brand “PhysicalDrop” featuring designer Kuniko Kato. This was “HappyRori” Lolita Fashion Singapore’s first lolita brand event and we were very excited to have Kato-san as our guest. There was even an exclusive badge designed for this tea party.
The tea party was held at the luxurious historical Goodwood Park hotel, and the venue itself was a beautiful glass marquee that was dreamy and bright! Singapore is also known as a city full of good food, and the tea party itself featured a sumptuous buffet spread of both local and international cuisines. The food was really delicious!
I would also like to take this time to introduce my lovely co-hosts; Bunny and Gyul! Bunny (left) was originally from Malaysia, while Gyul (middle) is from South Korea. Singapore is a really global city, and I love that lolita fashion brings us all together. Also, a huge thank you to Hanae Studios Photography for taking all these stunning photos for us!
At the sales booth, Physical Drop’s popular 「くまのハッピーマーチ」was available as well as exclusive handmade accessories such as bonnet and wrist-cuffs that were open for reservation. Many items sold out by the end of the day, and the organizing team was glad that the lolitas enjoyed the sales as besides food, good deals and shopping are another things that Singaporean lolitas really love!
Models from all walks of life and all body types for chosen as PhysicalDrop as a brand believes that lolita is a fashion for everyone at any age.
A new print called “Angel Bouquet”「エンジェルブーケ」was featured during the event with two forms of styling to show versatility. Another highlight was the gorgeous one-of-a kind exclusive Wa-lolita Japanese pattern dress「和柄ドレス・シンガポールバージョン」made to commemorate coming to Singapore.
新作プリントの「エンジェルブーケ」(Angel Bouuet)、それも2つのスタイルがイベントで紹介されたほか、シンガポールに来たことを記念して作られた「和柄ドレス・シンガポールバージョン」も紹介されました。本当にゴージャスで、限定物のとても素晴らしい和柄のドレスです。
Tea party guests also were entered in a Lucky Draw and won cutsews, tote bags and accessories.
Due to popularity of the exclusive Japanese pattern dress in the fashion show, a scissors-paper-stone “janken” tournament was held between four potential owners. The winner was decided after three rounds of playing and was very happy that she won!
Overall, this was a very rewarding event to plan. I’m very glad to have met Ms. Kuniko Kato as she is very kind and has a great sense of humour! I’d like to end this report with a short interview with Kato-san. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed reading. ♡
Interview with PhysicalDrop Designer, Kuniko Kato (Original translation by Ms. Chie Tsurii, summary by Sabrina Tang)
PhysicalDropデザイナー加藤訓仁子さんとのインタビュー 通訳チエ・ツリイ
Q: Could you share about your brand concept with us?
Kato: For girls who started wearing lolita as teenagers in the 2000s, you must be in your 20s or 30s now! I am approaching the concept of ‘Lolita fashion until 60 years old’ for every lolita does not intend to graduate from lolita fashion their whole life. You may not be able to imagine yourself at 60 years old right now, but can you imagine yourself without Lolita fashion? Especially if you love that fashion and style now. I have designed so much lolita clothing, and grew up with my customers; I am over 40 now. I want to assure my customers that I will take care of their clothing, no matter the age.
加藤: あなたたちが10代の頃、2000年代よね、そのときロリータを着始めたとして、いまあなたたちは20代、30代になっているはずです。私には60歳になっても楽しめるロリータファッションというコンセプトを掲げています。だってロリータファッションを卒業する理由なんて、どこにもないじゃない。今は60歳になった自分を想像できないかもしれません。でも同時に、ロリータファッションを着なくなった自分を想像できますか? たくさんのロリータファッションのデザインをこれまでにもしてきましたし、お客様田とともに成長し、いま、私は40代に入りました。私は私のお客様に、どんな年齢であっても、あなた方のお洋服は私がデザインします、そういうふうに約束しているんです。
Q: As a lolita fashion designer is there a figure or person you found inspiration in, or look up to?
Kato: For each designer or celebrity, there is a customer base that will be different from the next. Looking for inspiration this way might not be beneficial to me. Hence, for me, my customers are my inspiration.
加藤: それぞれのデザイナーやセレブに顧客の方々がついていると思います。それはそれぞれ違うものです。その方たちのところに行ってインスピレーションをと言っても、私にはあまり有益ではないかもしれない。なぜなら、私にとっては、私のお客様がインスピレーションそのものですから。
Q: It is important that I listen to their needs and that they inspire me.
Kato: For those looking to be in fashion or design, please consider your customers and what you will strive to create for them, do your best- you will find your customer base!
What is your must-have lolita item?
Kato: For me, it’s cotton petticoats! It keeps you cool in warm weather, and comfortable in cold weather and is easy to wash. It also wicks away sweat very well, no more sweaty thighs! *laughs*
加藤: コットンのペチコートですね。外が暑くても涼しくいられますし、寒いときは逆に温めてくれます。洗濯も簡単。汗も程よく吸ってくれますし、内ももが汗でベトベトなんてこともなくなりますからね。
Q: For fun, what is your favorite movie and why?
問い)自分の時間、そんなときに見る大好きな映画は何ですか? またなぜそれを選ばれますか?
Kato: My favorite movies are “Babe” and “Hairspray” and I have watched those dozens and dozens of times! I prefer movies with uplifting stories. I feel heavy-hearted after watching movies with violence or sadness and avoid them.
加藤: 私の好きな映画は「ベイブ」と「ヘアスプレー」ですね。もう何回も、何回もみました。10回は絶対に超えている。元気の出てくるストーリーが好きなんです。暴力や悲しい映画を見ると気持ちが重くなってしまうので、そういうのは見ないようにしています。
Q: Do you have any encouragement for lolitas?
Kato: Please continue to dress the way you want and be undaunted by what people say or do! For lolita-chan who are getting older and still want to wear lolita fashion, don’t worry. I will take care of your clothes!

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