Q-pot CAFE.と青木美沙子の“マリーアントワネット”の世界♡ コラボ記念のお茶会レポート
2020年3月31日更新3月20日(金)青木美沙子さんとQ-pot.のコラボレーションアクセサリーのメニューと同時に、記念のお茶会イベントの開催が決定されました。場所はもちろんQ-pot CAFE.で青木美沙子さん本人がお茶会の主催者 。誰よりも早くコラボメニューを味わいながら美沙子さんの話を聞ける滅多にないチャンスではないでしょうか?しかも参加者様全員のスペシャルな特典として限定カラーのコラボネックレスがプレゼントされます!一緒に「かわいい」が溢れている『“マリーアントワネット”の世界』をのぞいてみませんか?
To commemorate the long-awaited collaboration between Q-pot. and Aoki Misako a special tea party event was decided to be held on 20th of March. The place is, of course, the Q-pot CAFE. with Misako herself hosting the event. Not only it would be a special chance for all guests to try the new collaboration menu before everyone else but also to hear some special talk from the head of Japan Lolita Association! A special present of collaboration necklace in event-only color is prepared for all guests! So are you ready to dive into the cutest “The World of Marie Antoinette” together?
今回のコラボアクセサリーはクラシックローズ パフューム シュガークッキー ネックレスとクラシックローズ ホイップクリームリングの2種類です。リングのピンク/ミント/パープルの三色とネックレスのミント×ピンク/ピンク×ラベンダーの2色の販売を決定しました。どんなコーデでも合わせやすくてかわいいアクセサリーは1日目に完売になりました!
This time collaboration accessories are Classic Rose Perfume Sugar Cookie necklace followed up by Classic Rose Whipped Cream ring. Both rings and necklaces have three color variation in total, though one of colors is limited to today’s event only. Cute and easy to arrange with any coordinate it’s not surprising that some colors became sold out on the first day!
当日お茶会が始まる前に青木美沙子さんに今回のコラボについて一足先に話を聞くことができました♡ 今回のコラボで『“マリーアントワネット”の世界』をテーマにするのは美沙子さん本人のアイディアだったそうです!スイートでもクラシカルでもロリータ全ジャンルに合うようなアクセサリーを作るのを目指していました。ハデな色よりくすんだパステル色が年齢を問わないアクセサリーになるのはもう一つのポイントです。ロリータを始めたぐらいから美沙子さんはQ-pot.のアクセサリーの大ファンで、この前家を整理したらなんと50個以上のアクセサリーを持っていたそうです!だから今回自分でアクセサリーのデザインを作ることがとても嬉しかったとおっしゃっていました。
This time we got a special chance to talk with Misako about her collaboration ♡ The theme for this collection was “A World of Marie Antoinette” and Misako came up with the theme herself! She aims to create an accessory line that would be easy to coordinate both with sweet and classical lolita outfits, as well as to become a cute addition to a non-lolita cute casual look. One more point of the collection is that Misako chose pale colors over vibrant ones to appeal to older lolitas as well. Being a big lover of Q-pot. accessories Misako said she is extremely happy to produce her own line this time.
For the necklace Misako used the image of the perfume Marie Antoinette herself has been using in the past. Rings have a favorite Misako’s flower – rose on them and guess what, the same design is featured on one of the cakes in the collaboration menu ! To have a connection with accessories menu repeats pink, mint and lavender colors, almost taking us to an afternoon tea in the garden with Marie Antoinette. By the way Misako’s recommended item from the menu is rose milk panacotta ♡
コラボアクセサリー以外はもちろんQ-pot CAFE.限定メニューです!今回のテーマに合わせた~Classic Rose Afternoon Tea Set~でパピヨンが舞い降りた豪華なサントノーレに一瞬で心を奪われるとってもロマンティックなアフタヌーンティーセット。食事と一緒に楽しめるスペシャルドリンクの ~Classic Rose Tea~はQ-pot CAFE.オリジナルの2つのフレーバーで淹れた紅茶にローズの香りをプラスしたドリンクです♡
You can enjoy the limited menu not only on the day of the event but on the next day in you make a reservation in Q-pot CAFE. ~Classic Rose Afternoon Tea Set~ for two people has croissants and various cute desserts as well. Classic Rose Tea is a special drink made by combining two flavors from Q-pot CAFE tea collection making it a perfect addition to the romantic afternoon tea set♡
After all guests arrived and got a limited event necklace on their hands the long-awaited tea party began! While waiting for the special menu to be prepared Misako played some games with all the guests. By answering true or false to the questions Misako prepared about herself, three people who knew her the best had a chance to receive some special souvenirs ♡
Misako told about the concept of this time collaboration and introduced the accessories, discussed latest lolita trends and spending magical time in cafe together with guests.
Of course, guests had free time to take photos of each other and share the collaboration dishes together. With everyone dressed in their best coordinates the tea party reminded a scenery from Marie Antoinette world. Of course Misako, as a host of the party, was having a sweet chat with every guest, giving some advices about coordinates and discussing the best way to arrange the new accessories for a complete look. Not everyday you have a possibility to have a girls talk with the head of Japan Lolita Association so many princesses’ dream came true that evening ♡
楽しかった時間も終わりに近づきましたが、これがQ-pot.との最後のコラボではないですよね?コラボメニューは21日から注文できるようになりましたから『“マリーアントワネット”の世界』を味わってみたい方は是非Q-pot CAFE.までお越しください!アクセサリーはもちろん通販でも購入可能ですので詳しくはホームページをチェック♡
Tea party that evening came t0 an end, but we are not saying good-bye, as that might not be the last collaboration of Q-pot. with Aoki Misako! From the 21st of March, those who weren’t able to come to tea party can try the menu in Q-pot CAFE so don’t miss your chance and go make your reservation! Accessories can also be purchased online so don’t forget to check the official home page ♡
またQ-pot CAFE.でお会いしましょう♡
See you next time in Q-pot CAFE ♡
Q-pot. official home page: http://www.q-pot.jp/

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