Enchantlic Enchantillyの魔法のアトリエサロンでお茶会しました♡
今月のはじめに、Enchantlic Enchantillyの店長さんとデザイナーさんの二人から特別なご招待をいただきました。お招きされた場所はなんとドレスとアクセサリーが生まれてくる魔法が溢れているサロンです!好きなブランドのアトリエまで行けるなんて滅多にない機会ですから、ワクワクしながらかけつけました!
In the beginning of the month a got a very special invitation from designer and shop owner of Enchantlic Enchantilly brand. I was invited to visit a magical atelier salon where all the dresses and accessories are being born. Its a rare opportunity to visit find out the inside world of one of your favorite brands so on a designated day I hurried to make a visit I was really looking forward too.
玄関先で店長さんとデザイナーさんが優しい笑顔で迎えてくれました。かわいいスリッパを履いてEnchantlic Enchantillyの魔法の世界に一歩を踏み出しました。ちなみに、アトリエまでご招待頂けるのは特別のお客様だけです!今なら、ブランドのメルマガ登録しているお客様はアトリエのご来店予約情報をもれなく貰えますので、お早めに公式ホームページからメルマガ情報をチェックしてくださいね♡
In the doorway Shop Owner and Designer welcomed me with a bring smile. I put on the cutest slippers while entering inside the magical Enchantlic Enchantilly world. By the way not everyone can get an invitation to visit the atelier salon. Only those, who are subscribed to the official mail magazine can get invitations, so make sure you check the official home page from more info ♡
I entered into a beautiful princess room with tons of gorgeous dresses and cute accessories to choose from! A magical closet every girl is dreaming to have inside her house ♡
Of course all items are not just for the display, you can make a purchase of right there too. And if you’re not sure what would be the best way to arrange items or accessories you can get an advice from the designer herself!
Insides of the atelier salon are changing depending on season or the new collection. This month’s favorite is Enchantilly Chocolate JSK – an item from the new collection with cute and tasty chocolate print, and is now open for orders from the home page!
With a classical touch of the design it is a perfect outfit for a spring stroll with you friends ♡
有名なEnchantlic Enchantillyの指輪がほぼ全種類揃っているのは、アトリエサロンだけなんじゃないでしょうか?ねこ好きにはマストな可愛い猫リングや豪華なゴシック感が出ているコウモリリングと、もう選び放題。それ以外にもオシャレなハリネズミと豚ちゃんリングもあります!個性的なリングはどんなロリータコーデにもぴったり似合うし、普通のお洋服に可愛いチャームポイントとしてつけてもオシャレでしょう?
The famous Enchantlic Enchantilly rings in almost full collcetion is nowhere to be seen unless it is Atelier Salon room! Cutest fancy cat rings for cat lovers or bat rings for a person with a gothic taste? Or maybe a hedgehog or a little piglet dressed into cute accessories? These unique rings are a must-have addition not just to any lolita coordinate but to make a charm point to some casual look as well, don’t you think?
While I was choosing accessories Designer Fumiko walked in holding a plate with three tea-cups. A tea is served to all guests that come to visit atelier salon. Collecting tea cups has been one of Fumiko hobbies for a long time and right now she has a collection big enough for choose a most fitting cup for every guest. This time Shop Owner got a cup with a green touch to match her green dress and Designer Fumiko had golden-black cup to fit her black outfit as well. I got my tea in a gorgeous black-red cup and plate to match my favorite black dress I wore on that day!
3人で楽しい女子会タイムのスタート♡ 色々楽しいブランドの裏話など、こっそり聞かせてもらいました。実はこのようなお茶会は毎日ブランドのミーティングと同時に行われるそうです。新しいデザインを考える時に、可愛い茶器とお菓子に囲まれたら必ず可愛いものを生み出せますよね!それがEnchantlic Enchantillyの可愛さの秘密なのではないでしょうか?
Our tea party started where three of us enjoyed some girls talk together ♡ I even got to hear some inside secrets of atelier salon! In fact, they usually having afternoon tea during everyday meeting with other employees to discuss new designs and releases. If you design yourself with cute items while working more cute items would be born – that seems to be the motto of the brand. And considering how much cute items were already released it definitely works!
Have you every thought while looking on your favorite brand’s products “It would be nice if the had this item in this color”? Well, atelier salon is the magial place where all your wishes can come true, as Shop Owner and Designer are ready to her any request and try their best to make it happen. That is the reason for the famous pearl ribbon to have that many color variations with new addition every season!
We were having a talk about the gothic style I often love wearing and Show Owner told that this one dress would definitely fit me, while guiding me to another room where I could change my clothes and guess what….
幻影薔薇城~コウモリ公爵からの招待状~シリーズからの豪華なワンピースを試着することもできました。 豪華なゴシックワンピースで一瞬で自分がヴァンパイアプリンセスなんではないかと思ったりしちゃった♡ もちろん、アトリエに来ているお客さんも気になったワンピースがあれば試着可能です!
I got a chance to try a beautiful dress from one of my favorite series and take some photos with a matching background. For a moment I felt myself a vampire princess enjoying her afternoon tea♡ Of course, everyone else who come to the salon also have a chance to try any piece they liked!
もう帰る時間が近づいた頃、もう一つの特別な出会いが待っていました!アクセサリーのイメージとしてよく使われているモカちゃん本人です!可愛くてまるでお姫様みたい♡ 写真を撮らせてくれてありがとう、モカちゃん!
It was already time for me to go back home when I had one more very special meeting! It was a beautiful Moka, who is often seen on many accessories! This beautiful girl looked and acted like a real princess ♡ Thank you for letting me take photos, Moka!
It passed really quickly and it was a time for me to return home already. A big gratitude to Shop Owner and Designer Fumiko for inviting me to pay a visit and I’m looking forward to seeing you next time!
Official home page: https://enchantlic-enchantilly.com/

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