国際的なロリータ新年会『Brilliant Star ☆ デコレーションズ presents「Beautiful Harmony」~ワールドロリータコレクション 2020~』に行ってみました♡
2020年3月3日更新写真&レポート/ photo & report:くろの まり (Kurono Mari)
年齢や国籍に関わらずロリータ好きな人に囲まれた盛大な新年のお茶会がただの夢ではないって言われたら信じますか?『Brilliant Star ☆ デコレーションズ presents「Beautiful Harmony」~ワールドロリータコレクション 2020~』。今回は2020年2月2日(日)、ホテル椿山荘東京 グランドホール 椿にて開催されたゴシック&ロリータのワールドファッションショー『Brilliant Star ☆ デコレーションズ presents「Beautiful Harmony」~ワールドロリータコレクション 2020~』に行ってみました。Triple*fortuneデザイナーのカイエさんと当日のイベントシナリオ担当BABIさんと一緒にBrilliant Kingdomの世界が広げられました。
If you’re invited to take part in a tea party where all lolita fashion lovers from all over the world are gathering to share their passion and love for lolita style, would you even believe such tea part even exists? [Brilliant Star ☆ Decorations presents ‘Beautiful Harmony’ World Lolita collection 2020] is a place where every lolita dream of a perfect tea party comes into life. And this time doors to the world of Brilliant Kingdom were opened by Triple Fortune designer Kaie and scenario writer of today’s event BABI. So, let’s take a step into this wonderful world as well.
May the beginning the doors to the magical world were opened with the beautiful vocal performance of Kaye and BABI wearing majestic prince outfits. Today’s event includes not only fashion show but stage and reading performances, best coordinate contest and of course special guests and special surprises for all prince and princesses. And the first special guest is the Angel from the Land of Beautiful Voice, Sei Angelus! In human would he is a famous voice actor, Takahashi Hiroki who performed a romantic poem, making hearts of all princesses flutter in an excitement. He even came down, walking around guests’ seats making comments of everyone’s beautiful outfits ♡
Lolita tea parties are usually organized by one specific brand and have a special dress code as well but this time an event was held to commemorate everyone’s love for lolita style and Japanese fashion in general, so today’s dress code was for everyone to wear their best coordinate they fell most comfortable in. By the way, not only famous Japanese brands took part in the event but a lot of designers came to Japan to present their collection as well. There were brands from China and Taiwan, Russia and Netherlands, and a lot of other countries with every designer presenting their unique style and view of the world to everyone.
Taiwan 台湾のブラド「ATELIER 17」
Russia ロシアのブラド「MISS DANGER(ミス・デンジャー)」
Spain スペインのブラド「VIOLET FANE(バイオレット・フェイン)」
After the first half of the fashion show ended a small talk show corner with designers from different countries began. To hear stories from brand designers from different countries is not an everyday thing but it was possible on today’s event. From the concept of each brand to the idea and inspiration – all kind of topics, fashion lovers were interested in were covered! By the way designers welcomed everyone to their marketplace area during event break so everyone could ask some questions directly or even ask for a help to create a perfect coordinate and add some new items to theirs collection.
That’s not the end of the surprises for everyone! Two more special guests – Prince Ryo and Prince Kouhei from the Land or Acting appeared on stage. In the real world they are popular 2,5 stage actors Kobayashi Ryo and Tanaka Kouhei and due to their beautiful appearance and gorgeous clothes it wouldn’t be a mistake to call them real-life princes as well ♡
Together they did some performance in from of guests and went down to guest seats to meet all princesses closer too!
後半のファッションショーが始まる前に「KERA」と「Gothic &Lolita Bible 」のCOO伊部 裕之さんからの特別なご挨拶と祝辞の言葉を聞くことができました。挨拶が終わってゲストと客さんとの全員で「かんぱーい」してみんなの思いも心も一つになった気がしました
Before the start of the second half of the fashion show we could hear some greeting from COO of [KERA] and [Gothic&Lolita Bible] Ibe Hiroyuki. He thanked for the continuous support and cheered all fashion lovers to pursue the things they love in the future as well.
イベントの後半に日本のブランドのファッションショーが始まりました。Angelic Pretty や Metamorphose temps de fille からなどの新作アイテムとの完璧コーデの人気モデルたちが登場しました♡ もちろん、人気ロリータモデル青木美沙子さんと星名桜子さんも当日のファッションショーに登場しました!ゲストモデルのロマ・トニオロさんと楓さん、そしてスペシャルゲストの3人高橋広樹さん、小林涼さんと田中晃平さんのおかげでとっておきのファッションショーになりました。
The last part highlighted new pieces from popular Japanese brands such as Angelic Pretty and Metamorphose temps de fille, with famous models showing the best styled coordinates to the guests. Among them are Misako Aoki and Sakurako Hoshina – role models for every lolita princess. Of course three of special guests were also in a line-up of the new collection show creating a unforgettable grand finale.
Metamorphose temps de fille
Melody BasKet
In the end all models participated in the show gathered on stage for a photo together ♡
No matter how wonderful any show can be no one can enjoy it on empty stomach. This rule doesn’t apply for today’s even as a full dinner course menu was prepared for every prince and princess, who attended the event. With all the variety of dish there even was a risk of quests forgetting to watch the show! By the way today’s menu was created especially for BriDeco and you can’t try it anywhere else. Just look at this cute rainbow macaron and cake desert plate which is definitely a dream desert of every princess ♡
Thank you for reading report to the end! I would like to give a special gratitude to BABI and Kaie for creating such a wonderful event for everyone to enjoy. I can’t wait what surprises will BriDeco bring in the next year. And I hope those, who couldn’t take part in a tea party this time will join everyone on the next event♡
Brilliant Star ☆ デコレーションズ official page : http://brideco.jp/
BABIさん twitter : https://twitter.com/bk00bk
カイエさん twitter: https://twitter.com/triple4tune

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