COMICUP25 in 上海に行ってきました!KERA公式ブースからの2日目レポート♡
2020年2月14日更新レポート/ report:くろの まり (Kurono Mari)
一日目のJSKコーデに続いて、二日目はKERAのオリジナルデザインのドレスをアレンジしてみました。ドレスの黒赤ゴールドの色合わせはとても可愛くて豪華感があります。ヘッドドレスとして私物の赤いベレー帽を被ってみました。オリジナルのサーカスプリントはドレスの袖からスカートまで一つの絵にみえます。アクセサリーは少なめで簡単にこの可愛いコーデの出来上がり!Have you enjoyed the report from the first day of ComicUp in Shanghai? Second day was full of exciting things as well so I can’t miss the chance to share my experience with everyone! On the second day I got some time to explore the venue outside KERA booth and to look at some Chinese original brands. ComicUP is completely different from all Japanese lolita events I visited before so I want to invite you to explore with me!
But before we start I want to share my outfit for the day two ♡
This time I went with one-piece dress from the same original KERA series as the JSK I wore on the first day of the event. Combination of red, brownish-black and gold looks cute and gorgeous witch is perfect for a cute lolita look. For the head-dress I used one of my own red beret hat to match the red accents on the dress. Parts of the original circus print are on the sleeves as well making the dress look like a completed piece of art. With such vibrant colors the whole outfit looks complete even without big number of accessories so it’s a perfect choice fore people who don’t want to spend too much time arranging their coordinate!
Compared to events in Japan, ComicUP in Shanghai looks more like a museum than just market, which it is supposed to be. Each brand not only releases a new dress but creates a space to match the concept and design of the following dress as a way of promotion. Inside the booths models of every brand wear the best coordinate of the newly released pieces while taking photos and chatting with customers. A lot of famous models from China and Japan are invited to take part in the convention so it’s a big chance to meet them as well!
Lolita fashion, being extremely popular in Japan has many new brands opening every year. Every brand is being competitive with each other trying to release some new design that was never seen before. As a result of that, lolita fashion is no more that sweet or gothic style – designers use inspirations from legends and history, creating a piece of cloth with a whole story and meaning inside it. Dresses with a touch of a traditional Chinese costume has been popular lately in the community with dozens of beautiful and magical designs we could see this time as well ♡
All the new dresses are pre-order only so you may not get them right away but a lot of older releases as well as bags and accessories are up for sale right on the spot. But those, who plan to visit China for the first time take notes that usual credit cards are not accepted, so unless you have Chinese mobile payment system you should prepare some cash in advance. That would be a shame to come that far and not to be able to get the item you liked, wouldn’t it?
When the event started I was worried whether I can communicate with everyone as I can’t speak Chinese language but everyone around were so kind and sweet – taking photos together and trying to speak with a mix of English and Japanese words. As long as we love the same lolita fashion we can find a way to communicate with each other though our heart and feelings – that’s what I realized within these two days. I’m really grateful for this valuable experience and hope one day I can return to the ComicUp again! ☆
Thank you fro reading till the end! For the last (but not least) I must show some beautiful snaps of guests that visited our KERA booth for the second day as well. Thank you for visiting ! ♡

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