第10回 BABY本社主催お茶会に行ってきました!デザイナーのみなさんのインタビューとゲストのスナップです♡
2019年11月13日更新前回のBABY本社お茶会スペシャルゲストレポートに続いて第二回目のお茶会レポートをお届けします。今回は、この方たち無しでは、この素晴らしいイベントもさらにはこの素敵なブランドの存在すらもなかったと思うデザイナーのみなさんのご紹介です。今回「BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT」と「ALICE and the PIRATES」のデザイナーさんにインタビューさせていただける機会をいただきました。
Too many things were left unsaid during BABY tea party report that was posted several weeks ago so a continuation is finally here. This time we will introduce those, without whom neither this tea party nor the whole brand itself would exist. Of course we are talking about designers themselves. We had an opportunity to hear both 「BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT」and ALICE and the PIRATES」 designer’s exclusive talk about this commemorative event as well as yet to be released pieces.
最初はBABYさんのデザイナーとして、上原久美子さんと加納万須美さんのお二人が登場しました。今回の記念すべき10回目のお茶会のタイトルテーマでもある「響き合う想いと巡り逢う乙女たちのMélodie~Belle Harmonie~」は、特別な意味を込めて名付けられたことを上原久美子さんが教えてくれました。このお茶会で、ゲストのみなさん全員と、これまでのお茶会やファションショー、みなさんが大切にしてくれている大好きなドレスを思い出しながら、今日また新しい思い出を作る特別な機会となるよう願いを込めたそうです。そしてデザイナー一人一人の個性が表れたワンピースやドレスは、BABYの服を着ているみんなの心で響き合うことを願う気持ちをこのタイトルの中に込めたそうです。今回イベント会場で両方のブランドからの昔の懐かしいアイテムも展示されていましたので、これも今回のお茶会ならではの注目ポイントでした。
At first two of four BABY’s designers Uehara Kumiko and Masumi Kano were up to have a special talk about today’s event. To commemorate a special 10th BABY official tea party a today’s title “Mélodie~Belle Harmonie~ of resonating memories and the meeting of maidens” also holds a special meaning Uehara Kumiko told us about. Today’s tea party is not only about fashion show of the new collection – it’s a special place where you can recall all your dearest memories created on previous tea parties and events and of course create new memories while wearing your favorite outfits and chatting with friends. And by putting all their heart into their outfits while creating new designs Uehara Kumiko and Masumi Kano hope that their feelings will resonate with the hearts of all guests who are wearing BABY’s dresses today too. By the way one more special thing prepared today is a small exhibition of all memorable old outfits of both brands in the lobby which is an exclusive opportunity of see old designs close up in real life.
次は「ALICE and the PIRATES」さんからキャシーさん、えるさんとスージーさんの3名のデザイナーさんの登場です。ちなみに今年はお茶会の第10回であるとともにPiratesのブランドの15周年にもなるそうです。これからのPiratesの新作について「ブランドを立ち上げた時のテーマにしていた、❝少女の冒険の物語❞を忘れずにPiratesらしさを守りながらも、これからは新しい挑戦もしていく」とキャシーさん話されました。そしてえるさんがお話しされたのは、Piratesの服はパンクでもなくカジュアルでもなくどんなジャンルでもないPiratesというジャンルとなるようにいろいろな個性的なデザインを積み重ねてきて作られたブランドであるということでした。デザイナーのスージーさんは今年からPiratesに参加されて今回が初めてのお茶会参加だそうです。これからのPiratesの中で、スージーさんの個性的なデザインが現れるてくることでしょうね。楽しみですね!
This year is not only the year of 10th commemorative tea party of two brands but also marks 15th anniversary since Alice and the Pirates released their first item! So three designers of Alice and the Pirates brand – Cassie, Eru and Suji released some of their secrets and future plans to us. To the question about future designs and releases Eru said that the most important for their brand is to keep their original image of a “young girl that dreams of big adventures” – that is what inspired to create the brand in the first place and no matter what new designs and outfits will they challenge from now the most important thing is to keep this brand’s unique point. The style of the Alice and the Pirates brand is neither pank nor casual – Alice and the Pirates is the style and genre itself is what designers hope to deliver while creating all the outfits. By the way for Suji this is the first tea party to attend as she became a part of the designer team only starting this year. What kind of new things would she bring into Pirates’ outfits? Lets wait for upcoming collections to find out!
There was a small exhibition of the BABY and Pirates old and memorable outfits in the lobby – exactly as designers told us! For those, who had been a fan of a brand for a long time that might feel nostalgic and for those, who just got into lolita fashion recently would be exciting to see outfits from five and ten years ago close up. Anyway, this little exhibition was a thing that definitely every guest of tea party would enjoy.
This time tea party’s program included a special talk show from designers in front of all the guests as well as special present lottery game. And of course not to forget “best dresser award” which was given to 7 guests each chosen by one of 7 designers that were presented on that day. Everyone’s favorite Usakumya and Kumakumya pochette with both of them wearing original BABY’s dress was up for preorder as well!
Today was not only the day when you could meet designers and special guests but the cutest Usakumya and Kumakumya too! They came out to meet everyone being cute and fashionable as always, aren’t they?
Each and every of prince and princesses that visited today’s tea party had their own unique and beautiful coordinates that I had a chance to take a snap of. Thank you for your time!
わたしもこの日は、いつもの黒系のコーデじゃなくて乙女らしくて大好きなラベンダーカラーのALICE and the PIRATESのドレスとアクセサリーのコーデを選びました。今日のテーマに合ってますか?
As for myself for today’s event instead of usual black clothes I chose my favorite ALICE and the PIRATES lavender dress arranging with some matching accessories. I wonder if I hit the theme right?
Thank you for reading the whole report! I wonder if I could deliver even the very little bit of a magical atmosphere of that day? Let’s meet at the next tea party! ♡
Report and photo: Kurono Mari

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