Greeting, Kurono Mari is here! A lot of you here might not believe me but this time I happened to get into real Wonderland! To tell you the truth I was a big fan of “Alice in Wonderland” book by Lewis Carroll since childhood and always pretended myself as Alice dreaming to go down the rabbit’s hope one day too. So when I found out that my favorite Alice is having an exhibition in Yokohama I canceled all my plans and rushed there as fast as possible.
Of course my today’s outfit is Alice themed. I have a black BTSSB dress with Alice and Rabbit printed on it as well as matching clock accessory. Today’s outfit point is cute ribbon headband and rabbit ring! I love the image of cute childish Alice but this time I wanted to try more mature Alice looks that would match what I usually wear. I wonder if I got it right?
I bought a ticket and hurried inside. And the moment I made my first step inside I realized I’m not more in Yokohama city but in Wonderland I always seen in books and movies! Under glass showcases the first published Alice books and first rough sketches of character designs were displayed as well as illustrations of different artists from Alice in Wonderland books all over the world! Most of the exhibits were prohibited to film so instead of my phone camera I used my eyes to film them and save inside my memory!
There was a baby doll in the photo-spot area which you can hold to pose as one of the most famous Alice illustrations. It’s so fun isn’t it?
On the other side of the room there was a view you can’t find anywhere else beside Alice’s world – big roses with flamingos and trump cards. And I even spotted a really small door in the corner – I wonder where that door might lead? I guess I won’t fit there unless I will drink something with from a bottle with “drink me” written on it so I gave up and headed to the next room.
In the next rooms different artworks from illustrators and creators all over the world were displayed. There were not only pictures but dolls, figures and costume pictures as well – it’s so wonderful and expiring how by reading the same book a completely different world is being born in the heart of each person!
In the end of the exhibition was goods corner that sold various Alice goods from cute earrings and other accessories to books and toys. That was definitely a dangerous place for wallet of any Alice fan!
Returning home from Wonderland I felt like a left a part of my heart back there. I realized how many creators were inspired by Alice world and how many amazing art are yet to be created and I’m looking forward for it. Be sure to pay a visit if you ever have a chance because, who knows, maybe something new will be born from your heart as well? ♡
開催期間 | 2019年9月21日(土)~ 11月17日(日) ※会期中無休 |
開催会場 | そごう美術館 横浜駅東口 そごう横浜店6階 神奈川県横浜市西区高島2-18-1 |

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