Makeover at “Flora Salon” Taipei, Taiwan 「フローラ・サロン」での大変身:台湾、台北(from Taipei, Taiwan, 台湾台北市からお届けします!)
2019年8月9日更新Makeover at “Flora Salon” Taipei, Taiwan
By Sabrina (instagram @tealmenagerie_frill)
レポート:サブリナ(インスタグラム @tealmenagerie_frill)
Recently I took a short trip to Taipei, Taiwan with my partner and he agreed to do something I’ve been eagerly awaiting since we began dating; an Ouji/Aristocrat makeover!!
I saw Flora Salon on social media and was very keen to do a photoshoot there. In fact, this post was ENTIRELY unplanned but I had such a great experience that I wanted to write something nice about them!
I sent a message to their Facebook page ( to enquire, and they walked me through the entire process of signing up and booking about a month in advance. The page admins were really helpful and patient with me throughout.
When the day arrived to go for the makeover, we found the location with a little bit of help from GoogleMaps. Upon entering, the sheer amount of dresses really caught my eye!! I wanted to just bury myself in them.
ついにその大変身当日になりました。私たちはGoogle Mapsの力を少しだけ借りて、その場所を見つけ出した増した。中に入って、まず私の目をくぎ付けにしたのは、たくさん用意されたドレスの数!!もう、その中に飛び込んで自分をうずめてしまいたいと思ったくらい…
As this experience was mainly for my partner and I to get some matching photos, I brought my own dress and checked with the staff if there were matching items he could loan.
We decided on a white men’s size coat from Atelier Boz to pair with my partner’s pink Alice and the Pirates shirt.
この体験は主に私と私のパートナーがぴったり合った写真を撮るというものだったので、私は自分のドレスを持っていき、サロンにあったドレスの中から彼が借りることができるアイテムをスタッフさんに確認したのね。パートナーのピンクのAlice and the Piratesのシャツにあわせて、Atelier Bozの白の男性サイズのコートを選びました。
Though I brought many of my own items, if you would like the full makeover experience or want to take a photo in a rare dress they have a huge inventory of dresses that is updated seasonally~
Basic facial grooming such as eyebrow and trimming was provided, and hairnets were included in the hair/wig package. The make-up used was from various established brands and I got some REALLY high end items used on my face. If you have sensitive skin like mine, let your assigned makeup artists know before starting. They will definitely try to accommodate you!
Finally, it is time for our transformation!!!
Tada~ The makeup and photos we chose turned out super awesome and I really cannot believe how glamourous and kawaii both of us look! I rarely wear such sweet coordinates, so I was very surprised at the end result.
ジャジャーン、私たちが選んだメイクも写真もすばらしいものに仕上がり、私たちふたりがこんなにグラマラスでカワイイ感じに仕上がるなんて信じられない気分でした! こういう甘い、スイートなコーデは自分ではあまり着ないのですが、自分でもその出来栄えにちょっと驚いているくらいです。
Throughout, the photographer was really kind and did tried to speak to us in English as far as possible. As my partner was a bit inexperienced in posing, a lot of guidance was provided and the shots turned out great.
For me, I wanted clear photos of my dress, so I did more standing photos instead of posed ones.
The photographer posed us in ways we found comfortable, and was respectful not to assume me and my partner were boyfriend and girlfriend before we did some of the more touchy shots (we are, but it’s extra nice when people clarify). This really helped us feel more relaxed, though we ended up choosing the less intimate photos as those made us laugh too much!!!
At the end of the shoot, you can choose the photos that will be edited and they will be delivered in a week or so in high-resolution JPG files.
As a small novelty, you will get an instant printout with your face and a quick snap taken in studio, which is a nice touch (I’ve covered my partner’s one at his request).
Ending this post, here’s some details and the nitty-gritty of what I booked. Note that prices were accurate for me at the time of booking, and this post was NOT sponsored in any way.
– Experience Set C: Lolita style (Options: prince / classical / sweet) + makeup and styling + photoshoot, select 5 photos for processing → 3500 TWD
– Additional photoshoot service, 5 photos for processing → 1800 TWD
– Makeup and styling for one additional person → 1500 TWD
– エクスペリエンスセットC:ロリータスタイル(オプションとして:王子さま/クラシカル/スイート)+メイクとスタイリング+写真撮影、写真5点を選んでプロセシングへ → 3500台湾ドル
– 追加の写真撮影サービス、写真5点を選んでプロセシングへ → 1800台湾ドル
– メイクとスタイリング1名追加分 → 1500台湾ドル
In total, we took about 3 hours in the studio and about 1 hour settling in or changing out! Be mindful if there are more guests waiting to use the space.
Services provided by:
Photography by Xaxaki/X ROOM:
My makeup by Chono:
Partner’s makeup by AKi:
I hope you’ve really enjoyed the article, do visit Flora Salon if you are travelling to Taipei!

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