Trick or Treat: Halloween Fashion at Disneyland Lolita Day トリック・オア・トリート、ディズニーランド・ロリータデイのハロウィン・ファッション(from USA, カリフォルニア、アナハイムからお届けします!)
2018年10月23日更新Trick or Treat: Halloween Fashion at Disneyland Lolita Day
(Anaheim, California, USA)
Written By: Molly Ann
レポート: モリー・アン
Photography: Molly Ann
Briz Blossom
The lolitas of SoCal, hosted their annual Disneyland Lolita Day (DLD) fashion event on October 14, during the California resort park’s Halloween Time season. It was unique day for lolitas to spend at the park in their best fall fashion outfits — while reminiscing on their favorite childhood memories of Disney. To commemorate new memories that day, each fashion attendee was gifted a beautiful gothic themed pin, designed by the talented artist Sporkii. I enjoyed seeing everyone’s amazing coordinates and getting to reunite with friends for a grand adventure that day.
南カリフォルニアのロリータファッション愛好家さんたちが毎年恒例、ディズニーランド・ロリータ・デイ(DLD)のファッションイベントを10月14日に開催しました。このカリフォルニアのリゾートパークもハロウィンシーズンを迎えたんですね。ロリータさんたちにとっても最高な秋のファッションに身を包んでディズニーランドで時を過ごすとてもユニークな一日です - もちろんそうしながら、それぞれ子供のころのディズニーランドに関する思い出に浸ったりもするんでしょうね。そんなさまざまな思い出にこの日の思い出を加えて、ロリータさんたちにはとてもきれいなゴシックをテーマにしたピン留めがアーティスト、Sporkiiからプレゼントされました。私自身もみんなのすばらしいコーデを楽しみ、この良き日に友人たちにうきうきした気持ちで再会できたことを思う存分楽しみました。
To reflect the holiday season, Disneyland was specially decorated for Halloween, with festive pumpkins and lush autumn floral arrangements strewn throughout the park. There were even themed rides (Mickey’s Haunted Mansion) altered to match the occasion. Special events were reserved for lolita attendees, such as Cinderella’s castle and Mickey’s magic show.
Halloween season in America is often celebrated with Trick or Treating events near the end of the month. That day, I was lucky enough to find delightful treats at the park’s Jolly Holiday Bakery. This cafe offered attendees a wide selection of Disney-inspired patisseries, including tart raspberry macarons, velvety cupcakes, and fall spice cakes. Outside of the park, I savored amazing Californian cuisine at Roy’s, known for their tantalizing seafood and fresh local produce.
Towards the peak of the fashion event, everyone gathered at the Cinderella castle for a spectacular group photo. Fashion attendees dressed boldly in their coordinates, with many onlookers admiring in delight. I enjoyed seeing the fashion themes of vibrant pastel goth, whimsical Disney inspired looks, and ethereal fairy tale princesses that day. Disneyland Lolita Day was truly a memorable event and great way for fashion lovers to celebrate Halloween.

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