Animex 2018: The Lolita Experience  アニメックス2018:ロリータ・エクスペリエンス(from Mexico, メキシコからお届けします!)Part 2


Animex 2018: The Lolita Experience

Part 2 パート2

By Chai Latte (@chailattelolita IG)
Photos by 写真クレジット: Charlie Macías
Lolitas MTY (Moemi Azrael)

We start where we ended last time.


We concluded the day by dining together, trying to rest up for our final and most important day: Sunday, when the tea party would be held at last. The day began fairly early, as lolitas from far and wide across the country gathered for a group shot, including guests Sakurako and staff from Angelic Pretty, showcasing an impressive display of coordinates for all tastes. It was exhilarating to watch so many different styles all in one place.
土曜日の終わりは夕飯を皆でとることで締めました。翌日日曜日、そしても最も大切な日のためによく休んでおこうということです。日曜日には大事なお茶会が開かれます。その朝はとても早くから始まりました。遠く、国中から集まったロリータファッション愛好家がグループ撮影を始めますし、ゲストの桜子さんやAngelic Prettyのスタッフも出てきて、いろいろなテイストのコーデのディスプレイも見せてくれます。それらを見るだけでもたいへん。いろいろなスタイルがものすごくたくさん、一か所に集まるのですから見逃せません。

Soon after, we moved together to the private salon where the teaparty was going to be held. The room was fresh and comfortable, the only comment I would have about it is that I wish it had been decorated accordingly. A backdrop for coord shots would have been nice, but otherwise the tea party was very close to perfection. The food was very good, specially the desserts, though I wish there had been more quantity to sate us all.

Presided by Briz, the teaparty had everything: games and raffles resulting in prizes from Angelic Pretty itself, Rockstar Wigs, Rock a Lash among others, a Q&A session where we could get to know Sakurako more deeply, she was charming and sweet, telling us a bit more about her relationship with both music and modeling.
ブリッツも参加してくれて、お茶会にはゲームあり、ラッフルでの抽選会があり、Angelic PrettyやRockstar Wigs、Rock a Lashなどなどから賞品が出て、そして桜子さんを囲んでの質問コーナーがあって、これで彼女のことをずっとよく知ることができました。桜子さんはとてもチャーミングでやさしくて、彼女が音楽とモデルの仕事を愛しているんだっていうことを教えてくれました。


Afterward, Moe, one of the staff members representing Angelic Pretty told us more about the brand’s origin and concept, acknowledging that they had been nervous about not finding a market in Mexico and saying they were relieved to see the love we had as a country for AP and the variety of beautiful coordinates. She also noted that some of the dresses worn during Animex were old, but well loved and really taken care of.
それから、Angelic Prettyのスタッフのモエさんがブランドの始まりやコンセプトについて話をしてくれました。そのときAngelic Prettyでもメキシコで市場が開拓できなくて困った時期があったことを知り、その後、こうしてAngelic Prettyに対する愛にあふれた国になっていったことやすごくきれいなコーデをたくさん思いついてくれたことを知って、彼女たちもほっと息をついたってことも知りました。アニメックスで着られているドレスは少し古いけど、とても愛されていて、手入れがされている、そんなことも彼女は言ってくれました。


All in all, I must say attending this event has been a wonderful experience, and I am glad I took the risk to attend. I wasn’t present in the event that had everyone doubting the convention, but I am pleased to say it has been overall one of the best experiences since I wore the fashion, and that the respect and love they had for Lolita fashion was felt for all. I hope this article encourages other Lolitas from not only Mexico but other parts of the world to attend Animex in the future, since their efforts and the help provided by both Lolita’s Paradise and Lolitas MTY resulted in a fantastic, well rounded and truly memorable event.

I loved it so much I am coming back as a matter of fact! I’ll be guest to Le Masquerade and will soon be back to tell you all about it!
Me to keraworld!
このイベントのことを私はとても気に入っています。そしてまたすぐにレポートをしますね。こんどはLe Masquerade(仮面舞踏会)のゲストとしてね。
私からKera Worldに!


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