世界庭園の姫君達~ワールドロリータコレクション~ レポート4 Princesses in the Golbal Garden: World Lolita Collection” Report 4
“Princesses in the Global Garden: World Lolita Collection” Report 4
主催 BrilliantStar☆デコレーションズ実行委員会 後援 Gothic&Lolita Bible
Hosted by Brilliant Star☆ Decorations Committee
Presented by Gothic Lolita Bible
On January 14th (Sunday), Gothic & Lolita fashion event “Princesses in the Global Garden: World Lolita Collection” was held at the Orion Room of the Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo. The first-ever global collaboration fashion show inviting Gothic & Lolita brands from 11 nations worldwide together with Japanese Gothic& Lolita brands was truly an extravaganza to watch! KERA models Misako Aoki, Ako Nagai, and Sakurako Hoshina appeared as models for the show.
The Finale of the show with all the models. Extravagant it was!
連載最終回の4回目は「J Fashion」のファッションショー後半、そしてコンテスト受賞者様をご紹介します♪
まずはJ Fashionショーの続きです。
The final installment of our continuing report covers the latter half of the J-Fashion show and the introduction of winners of the Fashion Contest held that day.
First, let’s continue to take a look at the J-Fashion show.
Funny fairy/CHATTY-HATTY(帽子) (Headwear)
Angelic Pretty
These were some select picks from the wonderfully coordinated looks at the J-Fashion show that especially caught the eyes!
Those of you that were on hand at the event must have recalled the very feverish atmosphere! The applause at the finale where all the models appeared together was non-stop!
These fashion shows are of course a popular feature at Brilliant Star☆ Decorations events, but another popular feature is the Fashion Contests. For this event, the winners were decided not by a jury of designers or guest models, but by a popular vote from the participants present at the venue, with the winners for the three categories of Style Coordinating prizes decided as follows:
【Nostalgic Lolita category】
① お名前 miro(みろ)さん
② 注目してほしいところは? 後ろで見えませんが、ヴァトープリーツもどきが付いております♪
③ ブランドは? セミオーダーと言うのでしょうか。半分オーダー、半分自作となります。今年こそは自分でドレスを全て縫いたいのですが……。
④ 受賞コメント 皆さまに選んで頂いて、本当に光栄でございます。ありがとうございます。ヒストリカルなローブ・ア・ラ・フランセーズもどきのドレスでございますので、大変お恥ずかしいのですが、少しは雰囲気を味わって頂けましたら幸甚でございます。
① Winner’s Name: Miro
② What the winner wanted to emphasize in particular: “You might not be able to see in the photo, but the back of the dress is pleated à la Antoine Watteau♪”
③ Brand choices: ”Semi-ordered might be the appropriate description, since half of it was order-made, while the rest was sewn by myself. I do hope I can finally achieve to sew a whole dress by myself this year!”
④ Comment on receiving award: “It is quite an honor to be chosen by everyone, thank you so much! I do hope that my humble take on the historical “Robe à la Française” was able to convey some of the wonderful atmosphere of the original classics!”
It was a refreshing surprise that Miro-san, with her historical period-theme fashion, rather than the classic Gothic & Lolita look, won in this category. She looked definitely magnificent in her attire, which was definitely reminiscent of Marie-Antoinette!
【”Garden” Themed Style category】
① お名前 めーさん
② 注目してほしいところは? 大きく華やかなお帽子です。
③ ブランドは? ハット、ドレスはTriple*fortune、蝶のクリップはGothic holic、
クリノリンは海外セレクト物。コルセットとアンダーに履いたスカートはdangerous nude、
アクセサリーのチョーカーはmarywest、ネックレスはPGL、ウィッグはBlack sheepです。
④ 受賞コメント このような華やかな場に素敵な装いの方が集まる中での受賞はとても有り難く嬉しく思います。今回の「庭園」というテーマをコーディネートに託したわけですが、上手く表現出来たようでよかったです。
① Winner’s Name: Meh
② What the winner wanted to emphasize in particular: “The large and gorgeous headwear!”
③ Brand choices: “Headwear and the dress is by ‘Triple*fortune’, the butterfly clip is by ‘Gothic holic’, and the crinoline I bought at a selected imports shop. The corset and the skirt I wore as undergarment are by ‘dangerous nude’ ,while for the accessories, choker is by ‘marywest’, the neckless by ‘PGL’, and the wig by ‘Black sheep’”
④ Comment on receiving award: “I am definitely thankful and happy to have won this prize amidst this gorgeous atmosphere where so many people themselves are wearing their own wonderful attires! I am glad that I was able to express today’s theme “Garden” rather well!”
Meh-san looked lovely in her wonderful ensemble, with the many flowers on the crinoline well-balanced by the large hat!
【Overall Coordinate category】
① お名前 星音早那(せいねさな)さん
② 注目してほしいところは? 白で統一してシルエットをより美しく全体のバランスを考慮した華やかなパーティスタイルという点です。
③ ブランドは? ハーフボンネット、ワンピース、タイツはTriple*fortune、オーバースカート、ロンググローブはMRcorset、ウィッグはDreamHolic、シューズはメタモルフォーゼです。
④ 受賞コメント このような栄えある賞に選んでいただき、大変に嬉しく存じます!様々なご縁でご投票下さった皆様に心から感謝しております。ゴシック&ロリィタファッションの世界に足を踏み入れて約15年ほどになりますが、今後もあらゆる形で文化の存続、発展に寄与できるよう楽しんでいきたいです!
① Winner’s Name: Sana Seine
② What the winner wanted to emphasize in particular: “An luxurious Party look that balances the entirely white ensemble, and still lets the silhouette stand out beautifully.”
③ Brand choices: The half-bonnet, dress, and stockings are by ‘Triple*fortune’, while the over skirt and long gloves are by ‘MRcorset”, the wig by ‘DreamHolic’, and shoes by ‘Metamorphose temps de fille’
④ Comment on receiving award: I am so happy to have be chosen for such a honorable prize! I am grateful for those who voted for me and treasure the chance encounter that created this moment for me! It has been about 15 years since I have got involved in the world of Gothic & Lolita fashion, but I will continue to enjoy and will do my best to contribute to the preservation and development of this wonderful culture!”
Sana Seine definitely stood out among the many contestant participants who chose all-while looks, with her carefully balanced ensemble radiating beautifully.
Our congratulations to the winners!
Overall coordinate category winner Sana Seine was awarded with an Entry Ticket to a Lolita Tea Party event to be held in Taipei in March and an airline ticket to Taiwan for the trip. We will be reporting on that event, too, so look forward and wait!♪
To wrap things up, here are the comments from BABI and Kaie, the organizers of the event:
昨年Gothic & Lolita 界は激動の1年だった。その中でBKは世界中を巡り、世界のGothic & Lolita 愛好者達と交流しながら今日のイベントの構想が生まれた。2018年は日本開国(明治元年)から150周年。日本が西洋と出会って様々な日本文化を生みだしたように、今海外でもGothic & Lolitaに影響を受けて多くのブランドが誕生している。これから日本のGothic & Lolitaは世界と共に広がっていくだろう。今日参加された皆様は新たな文化を創り上げているのです。
BABI (Brilliant Star☆Decorations Organizer / Author with publications in Gothic & Lolita Bible)
Last year was a year of upheaval for the Gothic & Lolita world. During that period, BK traveled around the world and interacted with Gothic and Lolita fashion enthusiasts everywhere. It was from those exchanges that the idea for today’s event was born.
2018 marks the 150th year since the start of the Meiji period where Japan opened itself to the world. When Japan met the West, that gave birth to various new Japanese cultures. And now in turn today, we can see the birth of many overbroad brands influenced by Japan’s Gothic & Lolita fashion.
I hope that Japan’s Gothic & Lolita fashion will continue to spread around the world. Those of you participating today are indeed creators of a new culture.
Gothic & Lolitaが新時代に突入する。
心の底から「なくならないで欲しい」と思った。だが思っただけでは何も変わらない。ならば「なくさないために何をすべきか」を心に抱いて、昨年は世界中のGothic & Lolitaのコミュニティをまわっていた。今日、新しいGothic & Lolitaの在り方を皆様にお見せしたい。『Gothic&Lolita Bible』の後援も頂き、ゴスロリ姫や皇子達が楽しめる一日にしようと燃えています。
Kaie (Brilliant Star☆Decorations Organizer / Triple*fortune Designer)
Gothic & Lolita will enter a new age..
I thought from the bottom of my heart that “I don’t want Gothic & Lolita to disappear”, but wishing alone won’t change anything. That is why I embraced the idea that “to keep Gothic & Lolita alive, something needs to be done” and went around meeting the Gothic & Lolita community all over the world last year. Today, I want to show you what the future Gothic & Lolita should look like.
With the support of Gothic & Lolita Bible, I’m burning with the desire to make this day everything that Princesses and Princes will surely enjoy.
Let’s witness how Gothic Lolita fashion has bloomed all over the world, and open our eyes to the world to celebrate this year as the first year of World Lolita!
ぜひカティ・キャットさんのYoutube “Ask Japanese”でのレポートも見てくださいね♪
Well, how did you like our four-part report on the Brilliant Star☆Decorations event?
But there will be more, as more videos showcasing the participants and the atmosphere of the event are still to follow and will be posted, so look forward for that as well.
And also also check out Cathy Cat’s Youtube channel “Ask Japanese”♪
Cathy’s interviews focus more on talking to people from the various brands, so that should be very interesting, too.

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