Casual Autumn Teatime Meet-up 気軽な秋のお茶会で集まりました! (from Singapore シンガポールからお届けします!)
2017年10月20日更新Casual Autumn Teatime Meet-up
Article and photography (unless otherwise stated): Sabrina Tang/@tealmenagerie
記事と写真 サブリナ・タン@tealmenagerie
Special thanks: Jac, Kori, Bunny, Liping, Hoi and Tania スペシャルサンクス: ジャック、コーリ、バニー、リッピン、ホイ、そしてターニャ
HappyRori Singapore’s casual “Autumn” meet was hosted at Angelina, a well-known French patisserie, and teahouse that opened a branch here. I was excited as I have been too busy to attend meets, and it was at a location I really like!
A relatively “new” addition to the café scene, Angelina Singapore opened in 2015 and has been gaining popularity amongst the lolita community. For this meet, our host Jac booked the 2nd floor of the café so we had a private space to call our own.
I’d like to introduce the host- Jac!
Jac is one of the moderators of the local community (HappyRori Singapore) and she’s always very kind and welcoming. Her coord was a really cute mix of both girly fashion like axes femme, featuring the “Gardenberries Rabbit” skirt from Korean lolita brand LIEF.
ジャックは私たち地元のロリータコミュニティ「ハッピーロリ・シンガポール」の調整係のひとりで、いつもとても優しくて人に温かく接することができる人なの。彼女のコーデはいつも可愛くて、アクシーズファムや「Gardenberries Rabbit」柄のスカートが人気の韓国のロリータブランドLIEF(リフ)からのアイテムを組み合わせて着ているの。
Angelina is well known for their specialty teas and sweets but has a very delicious savory menu as well. The omelet (pictured above) was really popular and more than half the guests at the table ordered it! The cakes and sandwiches were lovely as well.
Besides the delicious food, we had a lot of fun talking and taking “selfies” and “wefies”. I love taking photos of people doing this, as the images end up playful, natural and very adorable.
I managed to catch some fun shots of people taking photos of me too~
After the meet, we went down to the ground floor to take coordinate outfit snaps!
One of my favourite looks that day was Stephanie’s, a full set called “Versailles Dream” from Chinese brand Elpress paired with a necklace from BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT. The design is very smart and features snap-button flowers that can be arranged or removed for ease of cleaning!
この日、私の一番のお気に入りのひとりは、ステファニーで、彼女のコーデは「ヴェルサイユの夢」というもの。中国のブランドElpressのコーデセットにBABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHTのネックレスを組み合わせています。この服のデザインはとてもよくできていて、花飾りがスナップボタンでつける位置を変えらえるし、クリーニングに出すときは取り外すんですって。
From left to right, Bao Han is wearing ANGELICPRETTY “British Crown” paired with a golden MILK bag and Jane Marple glitter shoes. Cona is wearing “The Venice Carnival” by Krad Lanrete with a bag from BerryQ. I love how Han’s and Cona’s coords contrast, yet match with the golden bags. In the adjacent image, Kori is wearing ALICE and the PIRATES “Paraiso du un Unicorn” with a blouse and accessories from various Chinese lolita brands. Kori’s style is very subtle and monochromatic, which is very pleasing to the eye for me.
そのほかの子たちも(写真、左から右へ)バオハンが来ているのはANGELICPRETTYの「ブリティシュ・クラウン」と金色のMILKのバッグ、ジェーン・マープルのキラキラした靴を合わせている。コナは、Krad Lanreteの「ベニスのカーニバル」とBerryQのバッグ。バオハンとコナのコーデは対照的だけど金色のバッグが何となくお揃いというところが面白いわよね。隣の写真に写っているのはコーリで、来ているのはALICE and the PIRATESの「Paraiso du un Unicorn」といろいろな中国のロリータブランドのブラウスやアクセサリーの組み合わせ。コーリのスタイルは落ち着いていて単色系、とても目に優しいって私は思っているの。
Next, Kitt is wearing a “Classic Fairy Tales” one-piece by ANGELICPRETTY, paired with a very cute self-made floral accessory and a straw hat. I really love handmade items, and like to take photos of them!
その隣のキットが着ているのは、ANGELICPRETTYの「Classic Fairy Tales」のワンピースと手作りの花飾りと麦わら帽子の組み合わせ。とても可愛いわ。私は手作りのアイテムが大好きで、だからそういったアイテムの写真、思わず撮ってしまうの。
I do not get to see some of my lolita friends very often, so a few of us decided to casually triplet Metamorphose Temps de Fille “Daydreaming Goldfish” print. Here’s a photo of us clones! (Left to right: Tania, Hoi, and myself).
こういうロリータコミュニティの友達になかなか会えないので、今回そのうちの何人かと相談して、Metamorphose Temps de Filleの「Daydreaming Goldfish」柄の三つ子をやってみようと決めました。それがこの写真です。クローンのような私たち!(写真、左から右へ、ターニャ、ホイ、そして私)
Tania and I own the exact same colour of this print, and coincidentally, ended up having matching hairstyles too though we did not plan it. (Thanks Liping & Bunny for helping snap these photos of us~)
Hoi’s dress in the red and blue colourway is paired with a blouse from Grove Deer and a headdress made specifically for this dress by an artisan who sells kanzashi-styled accessories on Taobao (a Chinese marketplace).
ホイの赤と青のドレスはGrove Deerのブラウスととてもあっている。それから髪飾りは、中国のマーケット「タオバオ(淘宝)」で簪スタイルのアクセサリーを展開している工房のもので、このドレス専用に作ってあるんですって。
Last but not least, is Bunny’s coord! She was the very last person to take her photo as Bunny and I always work as a team to make sure everyone looks good- Bunny neatens ribbons, hemlines, poses and tidies hair whilst I snap the photos with my DSLR (she’s also responsible for phone photos)!
Bunny is wearing BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT “My Little Red Riding Hood” print paired with a handmade hat and brooches from hyper popular indie brand Milkribbon.
さて、バニーが着ているのはBABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHTの「My Little Red Riding Hood」柄とすごい人気のインディーブランド「Milkribbon」の手作りの帽子とブローチです。
Chinese & Taobao lolita brands are definitely trending in Singapore, especially the more established ones like Elpress and Krad Lanrete who are churning out extremely high-quality pieces and much more flexible sizing.
I had a lot of fun meeting my friends who I haven’t seen in very long, and spending time with them. The manager and waiter also recognized me from my last visit, and they were very helpful and polite, even taking the time to find out about lolita fashion.
Lastly, here’s a group photo of us and out private second floor location! Thank you for reading my report~
中国とタオバオ(淘宝)で売っているロリータブランドが今のシンガポールではトレンド。ElpressやKrad Lanreteなど有名なブランドもすごく高い品質の洋服をいろいろなサイズ展開でたくさん売り買いしてくれています。

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